

By The End of the time ES03
Pakistan has sealed the borders with Iran as the outbreak of the virus has reached Iran said the newscaster. It
made all the persons sitting there to freeze for the moment. Sharum! with the tears in his eyes said baba I told
you this virus is going to cost the world something but I didn’t know that it would cast us the blockade from our
homeland. I don’t believe this. Do something sharum yelling the baba said do something please …. Please control
baba it’s an airport… don’t make a fool out of yourself…I don’t care sharum if it is an airport or dessert…. We
are stuck…. Osama tried to control him but he was sobbing…. This was the reaction everyone at the airport
belonging to Pakistan wanted to give… but only one man in those people was ready to do it.
Baba drink something don’t worry we are trying our dead efforts to contact to the someone from higher
authorities…they will do something and everything will be fine… baba don’t worry please. talk to me at least….
go away sharum I just want to be alone….
Osama I am more worried about baba then us going to Pakistan. I don’t why he is acting like this… I have never
seen him like this in my whole dear life. it’s so hard to see your childhood hero this weak, crying and sobbing.
Don t worry he is just upset about this whole situation… you are overthinking. chill and talk to him after
Yes, my dear I am fine baba is also okay… no its just a matter of few days we will be there Infront of you. before
his wife can start, he started coughing. what happened sharum. nothing I ate a way too much at the hotel and now
it’s giving me fever and cough as a gift to over celebrate. Okay take care of yourself sharum and keep updating
us. okay bye.
I got good news uncle we will be in Pakistan by tomorrows flight said Osama with tons of excitement. Thank
god I would finally be able to see my family after so many days. Osama they are saying that they we will have to
go through some tests after landing there. So, we do not bring the virus in the country. O God I cannot believe
this. no Osama you do not need to over react if the virus enters our country through us then we will be like suicidal
bombers who don t care about millions of innocent lives. uncle we do not have the sympnot have the symptoms even …you shouldnot act that soft towards such act. what if we have Osama? That made him silent… sharum where are you going
baba, I need some rest before the flight. Okay