

"Queen of a Ruined-Heart" Chapter1
"Dressed in white wedding gown, she looked pretty as hell, the tiara over her head was sparkling with the dazzling brilliance as if the sun was captured in it, [ANNOUNCED ZAAR to his friends].

Suel: how can you still talk about beauty and dazzling brilliance, non-sense. Don't you get it she's married now.

ZAAR: Married!? so what, i still love her.Love is the unconditional.....................

[SHAAD Interruptingly]
Don't go for that psych-philosophy again man, this is bullshit, how could she......Suel!??

Suel: I never thought that she'd prefer that idiot Stefan over Zaar!
i think she fell for his money and status!

SHAAD: Exactly! i'd heard that he's got 4M subs. and look at this idiot friend of ours he's also a fan of that idiotic singing channel!

Suel: (TO ZAAR) For real Zaar! what am i listening!
ZAAR: (Sobbingly) I didn't know he'd steal her from me! I was writing the lyrics for his songs, i thought he was a good musician. But how can such a good person who has so many options steal her, unless she wanted to be stolen.

Suel: What the F... Those are you'r songs that got him so much.......I Can't believe it Shaad!

SHAAD: (AWESTRUCK).........Stammering.

ZAAR: It's alright guys She wasn't meant to be.
[gulping down tears with a full bottle of water]

Suel: Shaad, We should do something about it!
SHAAD: YES, but what can we do. She ruined 12 years of love and poetry of this idiot.
Suel: (Smiling without grin) That very same poetry of Zaar made him loose his poetry!
how ironic!?

SHAAD: (Whisperingly to Suel) I Think you are right we should do something about it.

ZAAR: I know guys, you care for me but believe me if so many years and burned tears were not enough for her.How can some coins be enough for her. (Tears rolling from his eyes).

Suel: (Hushing Zaar down, helping him with a Cigar).
Here, don't worry, be brave be brave Zaar.

SHAAD:(trying to Cheer him up.) Broken hearts do wonders in poetry Zaar.

Suel:( With a Stern look.) Listen to me Zaar, you are right nothing is enough for that greedy lil.......
ZAAR: That is what worries me most, how ruined am i, and how unfortune is the Queen of a ruined heart.

LET'S write a Novel "Queen of a Ruined-Heart" already a best seller i can smell it. (Shaad Standing with a burning cigar) There, there i can see Zaar recieving standing ovation at the 'Serine Hall'..The beloved bard of Hyperion, the Thunderbird of Himalayas, my Friend-Zaar!

Suel: Are you mad, Shaad (Whispering angrily.)

ZAAR: Smiles.(half-heartedly.)

SHAAD: Suel, Let's drop our Majnoon home.
(whispering, and then plan something.).......

" Need Some Love."
..........(CHAPTER 2).........(Soon).......

© ZiaD