

"Queen of a Ruined-Heart" Chapter1
"Dressed in white wedding gown, she looked pretty as hell, the tiara over her head was sparkling with the dazzling brilliance as if the sun was captured in it, [ANNOUNCED ZAAR to his friends].

Suel: how can you still talk about beauty and dazzling brilliance, non-sense. Don't you get it she's married now.

ZAAR: Married!? so what, i still love her.Love is the unconditional.....................

[SHAAD Interruptingly]
Don't go for that psych-philosophy again man, this is bullshit, how could she......Suel!??

Suel: I never thought that she'd prefer that idiot Stefan over Zaar!
i think she fell for his money and status!

SHAAD: Exactly! i'd heard that he's got 4M...