

The One Who Crawls
I can't make a single noise come out of my throat in this very moment. My best efforts in trying to move are proving to be absolute failures. I am grasped by darkness sitting here on the floor, all alone in my room. My eyes are closed so tightly, being covered by my two hands, that I am feeling a ray of severe pain reaching through into my brain. However, I don't care. I rather feel this pain than the pain I'll get when I open my eyes and see that face in the haunted and magical moonbeam that is breaking through the windows of my room like an invader. That face, a face with bluish skin and colourless eyes that are gazing at me, still and steady. An scene of the beautiful summer morning just a week ago appeared in my mind only to compare it with this hellish moment I am in now. I won't open my eyes till tomorrow morning. I want darkness, only darkness. Only that can prevent me from seeing that person whose soul was lost in a car accident five years from today. I can well feel ten fingers crawling towards me like a reptile from another world, fingers that are bony and decaying with a handful of flesh wrapped around it, ready to make me open my eyes at any cost possible. The crawling clearly reminds me of glimpses of what I saw of that legless body hanging out of the broken car. However I don't, I just don't want to see that spine shivering face. Now, it has come very near to me. It's whispering in my ears, asking me to open my eyes. That voice! Oh! Unbearable! I can't tolerare it anymore. I am opening my eyes....!