

My Traumatizing Story #3
I was 11 I think, maybe 10, and me and my parents were hiking in the remote mountains of Western BC, it was getting late, and we had gone off the path after following a fresh trail of easter egg chocolates. We found ourself on the side of a dirt, cliff. It was a far drop.
Not wanting to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with no service for a night, we decided to find a way down.
We walked until we found a way down that was hard. There was never going to be an easy way down. Since it was a six hour hike down, and it was, my guess, around four, we started down the cliff.
My dad went first, he was our anchor, he did his best to dig his boots in the dirt for us to make foot holds. We grapples onto trees as we half climbed, half fell down the cliff side. Multiple times we fell, and eventually, after stress and fear, we made it down the cliff.
It was cold as we stumbled back down to our car, and it had just rained. So we got covered in mud, and leaves, and dirt.
After another hour of walking we made it to the Toyota Tercel, and drove home.

Now, I'm afraid of hights.

#TraumatizingStory #hiking #lost #Cliffside #traumatized