

Recruiting Jumpers: Apply Within
Miracle, you want me to jump for you, but you won't jump for me? Keep your comments Yolanda. I've jumped for you generously, numerous of times; however, you graciously lose count when I call on you. And what gets me about you, Yolanda, is you keep a current request coming still internally neglecting to keep count! I mean, I seriously do not expect you to run a tally... but we all comprehend debt. (side eye) The nerve! Miracle, you obviously saw fit of how and where to take advantage of this situation. I should have worn a shirt stating, "Mecka is easily used. Abuse it. Excuse it. & Carry On." After all, isn't your favorite saying, "Life goes on so be it!" Hell, even when it is YOU that has been the total Jack Ass! (Now that's a name that fits.) I love you both but love isn't enough, I need more. Commitment and Loyalty for starters. Honesty and Balance would be nice... Shit, I'm using big words. What am I really asking? You two are incapable of over standing my point of view. I need you to come through for me! Steven walks in and firmly asserts meeting dismissed. Puzzled, I suppose it's a lost cause... Steven is so selfish he'd never understand. oh forget it! Today my power is in fairness.

Wanted: Jumpers
Are you willing to do for me what your willing to ask of me for you? ... If so, you have a friend in me, no application needed 💝