

Winter In Paris part 1
It's a another good day for a girl name Sarah. Sarah is a 20 years old girl that is very beautiful. She is very kind and gentle. She going to move to Paris today. This girl is an orphan. Sarah really want to go to Paris when she is a child. And her dream finally come true.

At the flight…

" Miss, can I take your order now?"
Ask the waiter.
"Sure, I want hot mocha and strawberry shortcake please."
Said Sarah. Sarah very love strawberry shortcake since she was five years old. Her foster family give her the cake and that is the first time she taste a such tasty treat.
"Anything else?"
Ask the waiter again.
"Nothing for now. Thank you."
The waiter nodded and go away.

Chapter 1

Sarah's POV….

It's a another good day for me for a cup of hot mocha and a piece of strawberry shortcake. I can't believe that I going to Paris!!!

My phone rings. It's Nina! I really miss her. I never hear about her for years! Oh my goodness!!!! She didn't know that I'm going to move to Paris today and my flight will be another two hours!!!!
I answer the call and greet her.

" Hi! Nina, how are you doing?"
I greet her arkwardly.
Is she crying??!!!
"Why don't you tell me that you're leaving?"
She said with her crying. I felt very guilty right now.
" I'm sorry. I'm really forget to tell you about it. I-I really sorry…."
My tears already falls down.
" I'm forgive you. But please wait I'm coming right now."
She said. I glad she forgive me. My order is serve. I eat quickly and paid it. I get out from the Cafe and I see her coming towards me. I ran with whole my speed to give her a big hug.

I called her. She notice me and I give her my greatest hug.
"You leaving?!"
She ask shocked.
"Yeah… but I promise I will come back to visit you guys."
I said with a smile.
"Here, it's for you."
She said giving me a panda plushie and a small white box with pink ribbon.
"Thank you. What is this?"
I ask about the mysterious box.
" You will know. Open it when you're on the plane."
I don't know why, but I burst to tears. Nina hug me to calm me up. Her hugs very helpful. I will miss it.

[flight to Paris will be take off in 20 minutes. Passengers please go to the luggage keepers immediately. Thank you.]

"So this is the goodbye I guess."
I said sadly.
" Yeah… you will come to visit us right?"
She ask. Her eyes almost drop tears. I give her last hug. Then I go from her.
" Text me when you there!"
She shouted.
"I will!"
I answer her then go. I board the plane and Paris here I come!

Chapter 2

I look through the window. Everything is so small when I in the sky. I remember the box that Nina gave me. I took it out of my backpack. I look at it for a few seconds then I open it. I cried. What I get from my dearest friend is our picture in a white frame. I can't believe it,it me and Nina in autume making pumpkin pie. I love this memory.

I put it in the box and keep it in my backpack. I hug the panda plushie and look at my phone. There is no line in the sky so I just playing games. I playing CatCafe cause it is very cute!!

“Miss, do you want some drink?”
The flight attendant ask me politely. I'm kinda thirsty.
“Sure, coffee please.”
I just wake from sleep. I don't want to sleep again although it will be an hour before the plane land. I drink my coffee and look at my picture with Nina on my phone. It brings back all the memories.

Chapter 3

An hour later…..

I am at Paris. My dream finally come true! Now I need to get to the hotel and go to travel the city of love. I get a room at the hotel. I unboxing my foster parents present and it is a perfect gift since it is almost winter. A pair of purple glove and a pink skraf. I very love the colours. I wear it and get my new coat that I bought from the airport boutique. It a nice fasionable brown coat. I also tied my long black hair into a ponytail and put on my hat.

I want to see one of the seven wonder in the world that is the Eiffle Tower. I just walk there since it only a few metres from my hotel. In my way I bought and mint and chocolate chips ice cream. It is very delicious. I saw a cafe that have macaroons! I really want to eat those. Well I guess I will go there when I in my way to the hotel. I am stunned when for the first time I see the Eiffle Tower.

So I make a video call with Nina to share my moment with her. Only a few beeb, she answer my call.

"That's fast."
I said before start the conversation.
"Nina! I'm in Paris!!!!"
"That's good for you. I'm glad you land safely."
She said worry.
" Hey, check this out."
I show the Eiffle Tower to the front camera.
"Wow… it's beautiful."
She said.
"I know right!?"
I said .
" Hey, I'm very want to talk with you but I need to go."
She said.
"I don't mind. I will call you later, bye!"
She ended the call. Maybe she busy.

"It's getting dark. My phone battery is getting low. I can come here later. Macaroons here I come."

I go to the Cafe and buy some random macaroons. I bought 20 of them. It don't cost lots of money. It just 5.30 euro that is 25 dollar.

I get into my room and start to enjoy my macaroons and a cup of coffee.
Then I call my foster parents to tell them how is it going. And I going to sleep.

Chapter 4

The next day….

I slept well. Today I'm going to find a place to stay. Maybe an apartment. Yeah.. an apartment would be nice. I can enjoy the view of the city of Paris. I can see the Eiffle Tower every day. I want an apartment.

Do you know that even I'm raise by a foster family, I am a successful business women so I don't need to find a job. I can check my company in online. World today is very advance.

I'm not rich as Donald Trump, but I can get whatever I want with just a little effort.

I'm a successful business women but I don't need thing like TikTok, Installgram and Twitter. I communicate with my friends and my foster family with WhatsApp.

I am not like other girls. I don't like BTS, I don't like K-pop. It's not important at all. I love their song but I'm not a crazy fanatic army….

So I bought a new car to move anywhere. It's just a black Mercedes Benz. I actually like it. I sold my old car because I don't need it anymore. I want to give it to my foster family, but they said they don't need it since I just bought their third car. Yeah… I think they want me to spend my money for myself.

I drove my car to an apartment building that the building name is Flamingo Apartments. The building is pink in colour. It really is pretty. So I get there to get an apartment.

So my apartment no is 406. I get in there and it's already been decorate. They have a nice taste in decorate. The floor is white. I can see the kitchen. Very nice. At the living room there is a black fur carpet with a nice glass coffee table with a set of nice red sofa.

" Hmm it very nice."
I said. I want to go to find my bedroom. So I walk to room to room. My apartment only have two rooms, but I want and… I got what I want. Beautiful view of the city of Paris.

"I can't believe it. It's lot more beautiful at this sight. Maybe I should call Nina."
I call her and as always she pick up fast.
" Hey, are you busy?"
" No. I just eating potato chips"
The heck?!
" I already got an apartment with a nice view of the city of Paris."
" Wow! Congratulations. Good for you!"

We have a fun conversation and…

" So, Sarah. Do you have a boyfriend yet?"

What the hell Nina, what the hell.

" Ummm.… No."
I said with a blush. Maybe she already taken.…. Or something…..
"How about you?"
I ask.
"Nah… still single. My brother won't let me to have a boyfriend…"
Her brother name is Adrian and he is very scary when we're talk about boys a front of him.

" Don't worry, he will understand soon."
" Thanks sis, I hope you will get a boyfriend soon…"
" Yeah.. I think I going to kept my things. I call you when I am free. Bye."
I end the call. I get my bags and unpack them. I take the picture Nina gave me and put it on my lamp table. I put my panda plushie on my bed and start to put everything in place.

Chapter 5

" It's nice."
I said to my self as a compliment to my hard work.

I really need to buy some groceries and new clothes.
I put on my coat and go out to buy my things.
I went to a bread shop to buy two loaf of bread and some macaroons for me. I also found strawberry shortcake there. So I buy a piece of them.

Then I went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. Then…

" Argh..!"
I scream. I am slipped cause of wet floor. But luckily someone got me.
It's a very handsome guy got me.
"Vous devriez être très prudent mademoiselle."
He said.
I can't speak FRENCH!!!! What should I do?!
"I'm very sorry. I can't speak French."
"Oh you're an Amarican."
Thanks God he's an Amarican too.
" Hi, my name is Hugo. And you're…"
"I'm Sarah. Sarah Benjamin."
"Can I have your number?"
My number?! OMG!! I am freaking happy!!
" S-sure"

I gave him my number and he went away. My face is freaking red. He is the first guy who ask for my phone number. Can't wait to tell Nina about this. She going to POP!

Chapter 6

" Seriously, I just spent $1000 for buying new Gucci bag, new pink skraf and a new hat. What else did I bought?!"

I thought myself.

" Oh yes, I also bought a new coat. Now, that's make sense."

(Kring, kring..)

My phone rings. Who's call me at this time?!
It's an unknown number. I answer the phone.

" Who is it?"
" It's Hugo. We met at the supermarket. Remember?"
" Ouh, Hugo. Hi! What's make you call me?"
I ask.
" I just want to take you out and meet my best friend. Maybe at 7 pm."
" Do you mean tonight?!"
"Yes, I will pick you up."
Tonight?! I only have four hours to get ready!!
" Ok, my address is *******. I will wait at the front of the building. Is that okay?"
" It's just fine. See you tonight."
" Okay..bye.."

I ended the call and rush to my room.
" Beauty touch active!"

I wear my new clothes and skraf. I wear light make up on my face.
It's finally 6.30 p.m. I have 30 minutes to prepare.
I have nothing to prepare… I can call Nina now.
I call her and she answer it.

" Hi Nina, guess what."
"What's is it?"
"A guy ask me to go out with him and her best friend. I just freaking happy."
"OMG. I can't believe it. Congratulations!!"
" Thank you! He will take me in 10. I gotta go now. I will call you to tell you how is it. Bye!"
"Bye. Good luck."
She ended the call and I lock my door. I take the evelator to go to the ground floor.
He's here!

Chapter 7

"Hi Sarah, you look beautiful."
I said with a blush. He take my hand and take me to get in his car. It's not like my car but it's okay.
In the way, there's no conversation. It's too quiet. I need to make a conversation with him.

" Are you single or already been taken?"
"Me? I'm single. How about you?"
" Same as you."
" What make you come to Paris? Work? Traveling? On vacation?"
" I moved here."
" Ouh, me too."
" Since when?"
" Since last two years."
" So that's why you're good in French."
"Yeah.. I study about it."
" Great, maybe you can teach me!"
"I would love to."

We talk, we laugh. How can I fell for him already?
20 minutes later we arrived at a restaurant.

" Come on, my friend already there."

I get off the car and walk with him. We get to a table with a blonde hair girl with a pair of green eyes sitting there. She's so gorgeous.

"Sarah, this is Tia. Tia, Sarah."
He interduce me to her. She smile and stand up she said…

"Ravie de vous rencontrer, Sarah."
" She said it's very nice to meet you."

Hugo helps me. I want to answer her in French.

"How to say it's nice to meet you to?"
"Ravi de vous rencontrer aussi."
"Ravi de vous rencontrer aussi, Tia."

Then she clapped because I'm trying to learn to speak French. She's very nice.

"Bon travail!"
" She said nice work. Try to say merci. It's mean thank you."
I nodded.
She nodded and we start eating. It's one of my favorite dish. It's spaghetti with carbonara sause. It's very delicious.

" Thank you for the dish."
I thanks Hugo.
"No problem."
I smile.
"Hugo, pouvez-vous me renvoyer chez moi? Je suis venu ici en taxi et le service de taxi est en cours maintenant."
Said Tia. I can't understand a word what she said.
" Sarah, do you mind if you get home by yourself?"
"Yeah. That's okay. Although I want to go somewhere before getting home."
"See you soon."
I nodded and he go away. It's not true that I want to go somewhere else but I need to find a car service around here.

So I walk then I found a limo service. Thanks god. I'm going to get home.

Chapter 8

" So he left you just like that!?"
Nina exclaimed.
" Don't worry, she's drunk. I understand that."
" Don't let anyone let you down okay?"
" I know. Thank you for worry about me."
" It's my job. Bye."
I hang up. I really need to get hot mocha right now. I'm very lucky there is a cafe at the lobby.

I bought a cup of hot mocha and a big chocolate chip cookie.
Then I sit at the table in the corner. I can see everyone else had a person in front of them. What I can see is a empty chair.

"Can I sit here?"
Someone ask me. I look at the person. It's a very handsome guy with blue eyes standing in front of me.
" Sure. Take a seat."
I told him. He sat face to face with me. I am very blushing right now.
" Which apartment do you live?"
He ask me. It's another English guy. Thank goodness.
" 406."
"That's great I live next to your apartment. I'm Aiden."
" I'm Sarah."
"Do you want to come for a dinner at my house tonight?"
" Thanks but is it trouble you and your.."
"I live alone. I want you to come. I love to know my new neighbor."
"I will. What time?"
"At 6 O'Clock."
" That's a yes for me. It really good to see you Aiden. I hope I can spend more time with you but I need to go."
" That's fine. Have a nice day, cutie."
I blush and leave him. OMG he's so sweet!!
I go to my apartment and get to my bedroom and snuggle with my panda plushie with my red cheeks rolling like a idiot on my bed.

" I like him."

Chapter 9

It's 5.55. I can go to Aiden's house now.
I go to apartment 407. I knock and Aiden open the door for me.

"Oh, hi cutie. Come in."
I not wear fancy dress to his house. I wear shorts and my black hoodie. I didn't tie my hair because I can't find my hairband. I hope he's okay with it.

" Is my clothes too simple for dinner?"
"No, it's fine. Girls like you always cute wearing whatever they want."
I blush. How can this guy can be so sweet!?
" Uhh… thanks."
He pull a chair and ask me to sit.
He sit beside me.
" I made mushrooms soup. I hope you enjoy it."
It's looks delicious. I am very hungry right now. Of course I will enjoy it.
" You cook it?"
I ask. He nodded and I start to eat. It's kinda hard to eat soup with untied hair. Suddenly he hold my hair. I look at him and he nodded. I eat up the delicious soup he made.

"It's very delicious. You're a good cook!"
I praise him. He blush a bit.
" I work at a restaurant nearby."
"Really? I can go there to taste your cook!"
I said.
"Umm.. I'm just a waiter. I need to learn English because our restaurant always visited by outsider."

So he's a French?!
" So.. you're a French?"
"C'est vrai, jolie fille."
"What's that mean?"
" It's mean that's right cute girl."
I blush. He stand up take my bowl and put it in the sink.
"So… where do you learn to cook ?"
"I learned by the chefs. They are very nice to me."
I smiled.
"Umm.. thank you for the dish. I gotta go back I guess."
" Sit down cutie. You didn't eat desert yet."
"There's desert?!"
I said with my sweet smile.
"Yes cutie. I hope you eat strawberry shortcake."
"Strawberry shortcake!!! I love them!!"
"That's good to hear."
He gave me a piece of the most beautiful, delicious thing that I ever eat. I eat it quickly. He giggle at me. I look at him laughing and he smile. Suddenly, his fingers come near to my face. I blush so hard. He stop.

"There's cream on your face cutie."
I blush so hard. What am I thinking?!
" Ouh, thanks for telling me."
"So… are you single?"

Chapter 10

"So… are you single?"
He ask.
He look at me. I try to put my face away. This guy grab my chin to look at him. I am seriously blushes.

" How's a cutie like you still single?"
"I busy with work."
"What career do you take?"
" I have my own company at Amarica."
"Really? So you don't want to get a job here?"
"Nah.. I want to enjoy my time."

He nodded. He go to the fridge and take a bottle of red wine.

He pour it into two wine glasses. He raise the wine glass.

"To us."
"To us."
We cheers and drink it. I just drink a little of it. Aiden drink it all. He even pour some more!

"Umm.. Aiden I think that's is too much. You can get drunk.."

Oh God. He drunk already.

"You're a cute little kitty."
" Aiden.. please.."
He comes closer to me. I can feel his breathing. He.. he.. he kissed me!! Then he fainted on my shoulder. I take him to his bedroom. I just want to take my step but he pull me to his bed. He hugged me tight.

"A..Aiden! Let me go!"
"Stay with me.."
He begged me.
"I need to go to my apartment!"
"Noo..l want you to be with me tonight…"
What should I do? I guess I need to stay here for a night.

He hugged me tight. My face! My face! My face is at his chest!!!

Help me!! I can be killed by this hot French guy!!!

Chapter 11

" Umm.. Sarah, how can you slept on my bed?"

It's morning. I woke up on Aiden's bed.

" Well.. you're drunk last night. I took you to your bed but you begged and cried to stay with you. You also called me cute little kitty and…"
I stop. I remembered about my first kiss with him.. I can't tell him. He will be so embarrassed and get away from me!

"And what?"
"Nothing. It's not important. I understand you're drunk."
" I am very sorry for trouble you."
" Of course I will forgive you. You're my neighbor."
I stand up and go to my apartment.

Aiden's POV

Neighbor huh? I will make you feel to me more than a neighbor. I promise you Sarah.

Close Aiden's POV


"You're a cute little kitty."
" Aiden.. please.."
He comes closer to me. I can feel his breathing. He.. he.. he kissed me!!

Close flashback

OMG!!! Why I thinking about it?! Stop thinking about his soft lips!!! Aaarggghhh..!!!!

(Kring kring kring)
My phone rings. It's Aiden!!!

" Hello?"
"Hi Sarah! It's me, Aiden. I hope you don't mind if I want to go out with me? It's okay if you say…"
"I'm going! When?"
"Tomorrow, at 2 pm. I want to go to the shopping center. "
"Of course. I love shopping!"
"Okay cutie, see you tomorrow."

He hung up. I am so in love!!!!

Chapter 12

"What!!!??? You can't love two guy in the same time."
Said Nina.
"I know I know. I will choose which guy is the best for me."
"You better choose it right."
"Nina, I have something to tell you that will make you crazy."
"And what is it?"
"Last night, the new neighbor I told you invited me for a dinner at his apartment. He cook such delicious food and strawberry shortcake. Then….he got drunk and call me cute little kitty. He kiss me and…"
"WTF!! He kissed you!!!?? So he is your first kiss??!!"
"Yes, back to the story. I took him to bed. I just want to leave but he pulled my arm. I fell on his bed and he hugged me tight. I told him to let me go but he refused, begged and cried for me to stay. So what should I do? I just stay there for a night."
"This girl…is amazing!!!! Look the world, my friend got her first kiss. My friend got her first kiss."
"Haha, stop it. He's not my boyfriend."
"Bye I'm going to tell you parents about it!"

What?! My parents?!

She hung up. This stupid girl!!!!

(Kring kring kring)

It's my dad??!! OMG what should I do?!

"He..hey Dad! How are you doing?"
"Your friend just told me. I can't believe…."
I'm so dying.
"…you got your first kiss!!!"
" You don't mad?"
" Why I suppose to be mad your mom and I are very happy you finally got your first kiss."
"You know your mom and I going to Vegas. I think we won't bother you maybe for two weeks. Have a great life sweetie, we are so proud of you."

They hung up?! Why everyone is doing this to me?!?
Should I call Hugo? Yeah that's a good idea.