

The Adventures of James Alexander and Christian
For you to fully understand the story I must first explain a little bit about the story it takes place in the far future where technology has risen and fallen and a war has swept across the states leaving only starvation and death, until the only portal left is found by three teenage boys.

I'm James and I am one of last gay men on earth which means there's a massive target on my back. When the war started for some stupid reason gay people were eliminated and we had nothing to do with the start of the war but that didn't matter to the soldiers in black they shot everything that moved but they found it more entertaining to kill gay people specifically young ones. Though the war is over the shadow soldiers still kill people and take what they want. My friends and I were running from a group of shadow soldiers that attacked our camp, and that's when we found the portal and we were pulled through and spit out into a different universe.This universe look like something out of tar wars except the were no Jeda or dormtroopers. It was a lot like earth but different the cars had these weird rubber circles on them and there was this odd music that echoed through the streets. We stood still for a few before Alexander started say that we were in the 1950s which seemed in possible but that would explain the music the cars oh and that odd poster over in the corner of a dinner window that looked like that famous guy Elbis Restley. Well I guess this is it for log one hopefully tomorrow we can get out of the 1950s and back to 2430.
Sincerely James Shleno
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