

Sukura stared out the window of the school, she saw the headmistress and the head principal talking to a man in black. They glanced up at the window, making her step back so they wouldn't see her. "They must've figured out who I am!' she thought, knowing she was no longer safe.

She walked over to the bed, and after pushing it out of the way, she pulled up the loose floorboards, revealing a long chest. She opened it and pulled out her sword, they weren't getting her without a fight! She looked out the window again, then drew back, exhaling sharply. He was here! The man who murdered her father in cold blood, the Grandmaster.

She watched him look up at the window, then smile. "They know I'm still here, they are coming for me!' she realized. She had no time to lose, she quickly strapped her sword around her waist, grabbed her already packed backpack, and then quickly slipped out of the room. There were a few men standing in her way, but she effortlessly cut them down. There was no way she was going to let the Grandmaster take her, and steal what she had promised her father she would protect.

She ran as fast as she could towards the wall surrounding the school. When she reached it, she climbed over it, then made her way through the woods. She ran until she came upon a pond, with a giant tree next to it. She went over to the tree and reached down under some roots into a hole under the tree. She felt around until her fingers wrapped around two small pouches, one had money in it and another a jewel. A very powerful jewel, if it fell into the wrong hands then it could be used for great evil.

She put both pouches into her bag, then she got up and started towards the village. She had no time to lose, she had to get out of the country!
© RachelLynn

(This is a sample of something I've been thinking about writing. Should I do more? I hope you like it!)