

The second coming of Jesus is at hand
We are living in the end times. We know this because all the prophesies are being fulfilled, like wars and rumours of wars, deadily pestilence, plagues, floods, etc. Jesus will return after these prophesies are fulfilled.

Jesus will return very soon. He is the Alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. He has the keys of Hades(life) and death with Him. He will reward everyone according to their deeds. This shall be a day of jubilee, of great rejoicing for the righteous but not so with the wicked.

John 3:16. " For God so loved the world, that He gave us His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but gain eternal life. " God didn't send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him shall be saved.

So my advice to the world is, we as God's children must never give up hope because God is with us even until the end of the world. So keep believing until we see Jesus face to face in the clouds of glory.

In my life I faced many adversities but Jesus helped me overcome every single hurdle by His saving grace. He saved my life when I was about to die. I had fat embolism, which is a fatal condition. Almost no one makes it out of this ordeal alive but I did.

Just as Jesus performed many miracles in the bible, like heal the blind, turn water into wine, raise Lazurus from the dead, walk on water, etc. so that God the father can be rewarded, so to did God perform a miracle in my life by saving my life, so I can be a living testimony unto others, so Jesus can be glorifed for His immense kindness and power upon my life!

So until that day we see Jesus face to face, keep believing in Jesus, we His children! I'm eagerly awaiting that one sweet day, I will see my Messiah, Jesus Christ again. The only true light and Saviour of the world!