

Descendent of Revan (Part 1)
I sat at the bar of the Cantina looking at a man who was about mid to late 40s. He was about 6ft and had shoulder length black hair. There were streaks of silver mixed in. His eyes were hazel and he wore black pants and a black shirt. Over his shirt was a black old leather jacket and a blaster holstered underneath. His goatee and short beard were well groomed. He had crows feet around his eyes and seemed genuinely decent. Despite that he was drunk.
I got up and sat next to him. He smelled the air and then looked at me with wide eyes. "I'll be damned...you look and smell like your mother... but you have your father's cold golden eyes.... yet you're somehow more intimidating than both of them."
"It's good to finally meet you, Captain Abel."
He laughed. "Kid, I haven't been a captain for a very long time. Your father's been raising hell as Emperor and my job became scarce."
"That man, that has been playing Emperor for the last 23 years is NOT my father."
He became serious, "What are you doing here kid? Shouldn't you be meditating or Force training or something with you're mother?"
"Abel, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you but my mother and father are dead. And I'm here because you're the only person I can trust."
He looked devistated. "I don't understand... how?"
"Can we go somewhere private to talk?"
He looked down at his drink"....sure kid, let me finish this real quick."
As he picked up his cup, I grabbed his glass and sat it back down. He angrily grabbed my wrist and glared at me.
"I need you sober." I said to him with a calm but firm tone.
"And I need a drink." He grabbed a straw.
I pulled my hand away in a fist and his glass shattered. "Great!"he scoffed then waved the droid bartender. "I'd like another please."
"I don't have time for this." I began to feel impatience.
"What's your rush? I have time for another. Maybe you should have one too."
I looked at the droid and the bottle shattered in his hand.
"Fuck! Alright, I get the message!" He snapped and flung his stool back as he stood. "Lead the way."
We got to my ship and as he walked in front of me I injected him in the neck with an alcohol neutralizer."
"Hell! What's your problem, girl?!"
I force pushed him onto a seat and made the straps wrap around him. "First of all, I'm not a girl. I'm a woman and my name is Saffira! She wanted me to find you if anything ever happened. Something horrible happened. I'm going to tell you and from there you can decide if you will aid me or not. If not I will wipe your mind of this meeting and you can go back to being a useless waste of potential."
"You're not as kind as she was... I suppose you take more after your dad."
"I just watched them killed in front of me by the man that would be my grandfather by blood. My mother was wonderful and kind, and beautiful. I am not her though I aspire to be in many ways. Her kindness was a weakness. I am very sparing with mine. I hope to be like my father in many ways as well. Cro was good to us and he took care of me and my mother. Stop talking poorly of him. It provokes my anger."
He shook his head. "Cro...you mean Castyl?"
"I told you Castyl is dead."
"So is your father..."
He squinted. "I'm confused."
I rubbed the bridge of my nose. He was a pain. "I'll start from the beginning, the beginning being when you last saw her."
His lips parted and he began to say something but I cut him off. "Don't talk... just listen."
I explained everything that had happened.
Abel was in tears by the end. He was silent and in thought for a while when he finally asked. "What do you need from me?"
"A pilot and a friend. They kept me safe and taught me a lot but I don't know my way around...and I'm not very good with people." I confessed reluctantly.
He smiled then. "No, you really aren't. Do you mean to kill your grandfather?"
I nodded. "Yes... but the rage I feel will pull me to the darkside. I need to beat him the right way. I heard factions of the GA and Jedi remain and they've started a new Rebellion. I need to find them."
"Great, where to?"
I didn't know.
He stood and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Kid, you have no idea what you're getting into do you?"
"No... but I don't have a choice. This war needs to end."
"Then, we need to bring you to the fighting."
I smiled lightly, "Then take me where I can be of use."
He thought briefly. "I know that General Marikas of the GA is currently losing to a New Empire fleet on Dantooine. She's got a short fuse but if anyone is on the right side of all this it's her."
"Then let's go."
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