

Lifetime Signpost
Being born different is not a choice, but it is the path that has been determined. Coming to terms with this reality is a challenge for me, who was late in realizing the consequences of being different. My presence then becomes the center of attention, with people quickly focusing their gaze on me.

Their eyes look at me with pity. Their attention is fixed as if searching for oddities, accompanied by sharp mouths that can't be restrained. I can only respond with a smile that becomes a veil of sadness. I, angry at the situation, tried to fight back, even cursing God for all the reality.

However, drowning in regret is not the answer to all anxieties, it only makes the devil happier. Reflecting on the night that never regrets the darkness, I try to be grateful for what I feel. Although it's hard, I try to gather strength to camouflage my limitations.

Over time, the environment led me to turn to the right, where a cool breeze enveloped my thoughts. In the end, my heart said that this is where God's justice lies. Differences are present as a signpost of life that saves me from the snares of immorality as a result of the strong currents of social interaction that might threaten faith.

The essence is that thinking positively is the best way to enjoy destiny. Of course, accompanied by the belief that behind every trial, there is always hidden wisdom. Realizing that life goes on and success is measured by the level of usefulness, I now choose to nurture goodness as a provision to welcome the light in the future

© Akura Popo