

The language of patience is more powerful than all the languages of the world. When someone hears your bitter words and chooses to remain silent, it does not signify your victory or righteousness. Instead, their silence may be a display of their inner strength and self-control. Remember, those who refrain from seeking revenge and maintain their composure. God intervenes on their behalf, for He is the ultimate arbiter of justice. You have to go through the same stage at least once in your life as you do with others. It is essential to experience situations where you must exercise patience towards others, as the words you use to harm others may come back to you in due time.
The voice of the patient transcends through the seven heavens, reaching the Almighty. The prayers of the patient possess the power to move everything from the skies to the earth. God never disregards the pleas of the patient, as He has promised to stand by those who demonstrate patience. One who has the support of the Almighty possesses all the strength in the world. It is crucial to remember that God always keeps His promises, regardless of the circumstances. Patience is not just a virtue but a source of immense power that connects one to the divine.
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