

A hopeless boy
Dinner was done. A line was formed and night attendance was called for. We were instructed to brush our teeth and prepare our uniform for the next day.
Again that sob, that loneliness haunted me. I wanted to get out. I wanted my freedom. I wanted to be in momma’s arms.
Pain and despair crept as I gazed at the moon rays from my bed.
Phantom voices pleaded. Praying, and calling God's name was not helpful.
The only solace was Miss Shalini’s class. A serene thought about her cascaded and caressed my mundane senses.
Days, nights, wistful summer passed, and I still couldn't gather the strength to avow my little malice for her. The still air passed by me, the sun, the shade looked at me with disdain. Hopelessly I knew, she would never see me the way I see her. She would never know her fragrance fills my air with joy and sadness at the same time. Unconscious of herself, she exuded strength, laughter and pain to me. I was to blame, for I knew nothing would change or cease to exist between us.
The spinster spun my ineffable desires and put uncertain, distant, remnant hopes in her palms of destiny.
Her lover called during and after classes, and she attended all his calls with a smile and grace, that would leave my peering heart shallow and dry. For she knew nothing about love, especially the one I held(still holding) for her. She might have read and taught Shakespeare, Keats, Byron or Poe. But little did she know about the little cloud waiting and silently bursting, and lays parched in thirst, with an unending quench.
For my heart lies at the zenith of that lonely mountain like a tip of snow --who can't decide to melt or fade away. Or like that silk flag swaying in hopeless madness, waving the spurs of the mountain, manifesting useless triumphs.
Mornings just wouldn't start if her class was not at that initial period. Anxiously I waited for that bell and crept at yonder, the door to salvation. Come now, the light of day, my sun, my moon, my morning prayer. Grace me with your cast of lightness. Free me now and anon.
© SekhonZ