


Mansa cannot hide the great joy she feels in her heart after receiving a call from her doctor. She sits quietly waiting for her husband as she fixes her gaze solidly on the door in front of her. Minutes later, she hears someone at the door. She sits up.
The door opens, a thin tall handsome gentleman enters in his finest suit. That is John, Mansa's husband. She pounced on him, in the struggle they both fall into the opposite sofa. Now, John has no idea what is going on. He is so lost and dumbfounded. To add to his confusion, Mansa begins hitting him repeatedly on his chest. Eventually, he speaks out;
John: Mansa, what's going on? Are you ok?
Mansa: I am not fine, gentleman. How can I be fine after what you did to me?
John makes a face, indicating how surprised he was.
John: What did I ever do to you, honey?
Mansa chuckles and fires back.
Mansa: What! You don't know what you've done Mr? O my God! How will you even know?
Now John is awestruck. What did he do this time, he said to himself? Mansa continues;
You put a baby in my stomach, Mr John Adu Mensah!
John jumps out of the chair in disbelief.
John: (He exclaimed joyfully ) What did you just say, young woman?
Mansa: ( with a broad smile and a calm tone) You put a baby inside me, my handsome tall young man.
John: Yes, Yes, yes!!! We did it, my love. This calls for a celebration!
Mansa: Nooo!
John: Yeees!
Narrator: John carries his wife as they make their way into their bedroom. What happened next, only the adults will understand.
Expecting a child is a marvellous experience for any couple, yet, it brings its challenges. For example, house cleaning and the like. Even so, the couple decides to manage on their own. It is a beautiful Monday afternoon, Mansa is sweeping the hallway, she hears a sharp pain in her belly. She sits on the floor in pain. She reaches for her phone and calls her husband. John on the other hand is very busy with work. His boss has been on his neck all day. He didn't even hear his phone ring. Mansa, in her frustration, calls Aba, her doctor.
Aba; Hello, Bridget Aba Aful here, how may I help you.
Mansa; (In a tired tone)Aba, it's me Mansa, help me.
Aba; ( In a panic tone) Mansa, hello, Mansa hold on my dear.
Dr Aba tries calling John, as she rushes out to see Mansa, but no one answered the call.
Meanwhile, Back at the residence of the Mensah's, Mansa has collapsed while on the call.
Dr Aful enters the Mensah's residence, she sees Mansa lying helplessly on the floor.
Mr Mensah has been busy all day. Finally, it was time to go home. He reaches out for his mobile phone, only to find dozens of missed calls. Immediately he senses trouble at home. He calls Aba to find out what has happened.
Aba: Hello Kofi.
John; Aba, what is going on?
Aba; She's at the hospital. Need to speak with you urgently.
John; Will be there ASAP.
John hangs up the call and drives to the hospital in a haste.
John arrives at the hospital, he rushes to Dr Aful's office.
John; ( in a panic tone)/Aba, what happened to my wife?
Dr Aful; Calm down Kofi, Mansa is fine.
John; Oo thank God! Can I see her now?
Dr Aful; Not too fast Kofi. You and I, we aren't done talking young man.
John; I don't have time for your big medical terms Aba. I wish...
Dr Aful; ( Aba cuts in with an angry tone) Now you, shut up Mr! You think am joking? Ok, I'm gonna poke u in the eye so you know am serious. Better yet, I'm gonna dissect your political no good heart. How can you do that!? Where were you all this time, when she kept calling? That's cruel Kofi.
John( fuming) Enough of your nonsense Aba, come on! Do you think I was looking at her call and smiling as it rings? If you know the kind of pressure I had to go through, you won't dare tell me all this.
Dr Aful; Does that give you the right to neglect her, aaah? You....
At that moment, Dr Atobrah opens the door, he overheard them quarrelling when passing by.
Dr Atobrah; Can you guys keep it down? I mean there's a patient that needs you Aba, and John, your wife is waiting for you. Is that not the most important part of today?
She leaves the room, as John and Aba stare at each other with contempt. Well, like it or not, they have no other choice than to pretend they were in the good term just for the sake of Mansa.
Mansa is delighted to see both of them smiling. Even so, she noticed something with that smile, that was quite unusual. Then she smiles. John and Aba on the other hand are confused. Why is she smiling? They asked themselves.
Mansa; Guys, there is no need for a fight. My good friends, my doctor and my husband, cheer up, am not dead yet, am I?
After a few conversations, Aba leaves them so they can have some private times.
Mansa keeps looking at her sorrowful husband, who can not even look at his wife's pretty face.
Mansa; "Odo", It's not your fault, my dear. I know you won't let me suffer John. Please don't say anything, my dear. Just keep Loving me as you always do.
John is very relieved and delighted. At least, she can understand the frustration on his face.
Mansa; John, please can I ask something of you?
John; Yes you can sweetie.
Mansa; I want my sister, Awura Aba to come and stay with us. You remember that shy little girl, who always run away from you?
John; Hahaha, yes I do, that pretty little girl. But is she not too young, is she not schooling?
Mansa; She has grown into a young lady. She didn't do well in her BECE exams. We can help her better it when she is staying with us. She can be of good help to us. What happened today will not happen if she was around.
John; I think it's a good idea. Let's do it ASAP because today is just a warning to us.
Mansa; Thanks, my dear.
A few hours later, Mansa was discharged. Dr Aba is in her car about to leave home. she hears a knock on her glass. Aba rolls down the glass.
Aba; John, how can I help you?
John; Aba, sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier. I am very sorry for my actions.
Aba; Me too, I shouldn't judge you like that. (Being emotional) Look, Kofi, please take care of my sister for me ok, she's all I have.
Maybe many people don't like their step, sisters, but my sister is my heart. Her condition is very delicate. Please take good care of her for me ok.
John: I will my dear. safe journey Aba.
The story has just begun, Sweet rose, Life is a struggle, yet, worth it.
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