

A message from jane #MERAISHQ
The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated. I expected to find treasures, laid deep, within the chest instead what I found was a love letter, old and crumpled, a testament to it's longevity against the test of time. I picked up the letter from the chest and tried to straighten out the wrinkles. with every movement I made the letter threatened to wither and dissolve into shread.
finally, I managed to straighten it. The first thing that caught my eye was the name signed below. it was a weak, unsteady scrawl, as if, it had been written in pain and agony.
I let my eyes drift from there and move up, to where the letter started, my mouth opened and closed as I read.
if you have found this letter, then it must mean that you found a testament of my love to a man. A man who I had given my all, my body, my soul and my heart. A man who in turn had left me alone in this world. To wither, and to perish, without a soul to turn to, without a soul to love me like I have loved him.
