

Days - Chapter 8
Ben's Point of view

Walking towards the class I notice all eyes on me, the teacher follows their gazes. " Ben, glad you could make it. Since you volunteered to go first, that would be 10 laps " I started to jog my way to the running field. I thought my spell didn't work at the start because of Maya's reaction towards me earlier this morning but I don't need to worry since it's clear to why Maya was not affected, it wouldn't make sense a level 3 spell wouldn't work on humans. Not long after, Maya had just arrived near the running field. I fastened my pace to get to her and slowed down to match her pace as she seems to want to speak to me, something is definitely bothering her from all the questions she has asked me... I couldn't give her the proper answers she wants since I don't know how to tell her... avoiding the situation is not going to solve anything since she's starting to catch up that there's really something going on... since I have found her I eventually have to tell her... but is it wise to tell her as soon as I found her? I looked at her feet since something bothered me about it, her shoelace was untied, I paused and so did she, I tied it for her and felt her pat my head ( Such a cutie ) I pat my knee clean from kneeling on the ground, she seemed quite embarrassed from my action but I guess I can understand to why. I told her that I would talk to her after class and started running again, I honestly still don't know what to tell her... But I do know that it's important for her to know how important her role is in our world...

The teacher was finally running us through our progress in more details, as he was doing this I notice a certain aura, definitely not from the girl this morning but something else... it's faint, I have already casted a spell on me earlier as I was running to not give away where I am but still know who's around us. I cast a level 1 basic spell to pin point where it was coming from, but it just scattered leading me to no where, I went a level higher but had the same reaction, this was no ordinary blocking spell, it's quite strong, all I can do is link myself to Maya to know if she's being harmed, she's fine but I have to keep this up until I can figure out who this person is.
GYM class is finally over, I cleaned up as fast as I could and headed out to meet up with Maya, she was no where to be seen so I guess she hasn't finished yet so I had to wait. Thinking of what happened earlier I couldn't help but think if someone found me or had kept following me until I found Maya, thinking of her she just had gone out of the changing room and we both headed towards the school building, as we got out of the building the aura I had felt earlier slowly got stronger again... it felt like a roller coaster, but this time I was certain it was coming from Maya, I had a feeling that she's doing this unconsciously, this was bad, she shouldn't do any type of magic, specially a high level magic and she has done so unwillingly, she'll end up hurting herself as she's incomplete, but she doesn't know of this fact and the only way for her to know is to slowly and calmly tell her who I am and who she is and everything she needs to know... I'm just hoping it goes well.
© every second is yours