

Revolt: Prologue
It's funny how such a small thing can snowball into such a catastrophe, such as one being burned at the stake for leading a revolution to overthrow your government.
I really didnt mean to, I swear! In fact, other than being generally angry about my oppression I never thought I could actually make a change. At first, I just wanted to be able to wear my jacket.
Yep. This whole thing stemmed from a patch on my jean jacket. "1312" it said, with the Black Lives Matter symbol next to it.
"Any last words?" they asked as the dumped gallons of gasoline onto me. My first thought was 'Oops?'
How wildly inappropriate for this situation. Oops didnt cover it.
I decided to pay a final respect to what started it all.
"1312..." I almost laughed it out, thinking about the mere year that it had been since I wore that patch. I could almost hear the 'ACAB!' being yelled back to me like it had been, from what felt like so long ago.

It was funny, really. The peace I felt as more highly flammable liquid dowsed my body and I heard them strike the match. I looked up to the sky, then into the eyes of my executioner "This wont end with me," I sighed as I looked at the camera, live streaming my death in am attempt to scare those who supported and followed in my steps "it's so much bigger than me now"
I heard the flames as he dropped the match, and smiled. I wouldnt be the only one leaving this world today.
I looked at the children, scared out of their minds as they clung to their mothers who knew how to hide it by now.
I gave one last prayer to keep the innocent safe, and I felt the first spark of my gunpowder light.