

miss univurse

Dear molly,
all my energy is gone
depression sucks the life out of you
it is a delay of conections made in your head making wrong conections
im so tired of corevting my mind and playing with it
its the absence of doing stuff
its the surender of dying ?
more and more steps closer to being mind lifeless
no its the surender of surendering
its the batle between my life has alwsys like this
i feel happy even when now i think im dying
i know
not really
its fighting to stay abov3 it all
brushing teeth itms a whole acoplisnent
they say death last moments should be a succses
sory but i couldnt care less
so much happenung at the same time
only on thing on your mind at the same time only one thing at the time
all my life there was kind of bad weather
but this the body feel
thats new
but dont feel like commiting cuicide
they say im a blacl hole
what do i did i wrong ?
nothing , all my life ive been a star and if stars die they become a black hole
so you see
its not my fault peaple feel bad whrn im around
more of that, i dont know what i dod wrong
ive neber head a long lasyong friend or relationship
i feel alone
peaple are evil to sometimes
maybe they play evil so i wont feel bad
maybe i am bad and evil but cant do anything about it even if i wanted to but they pretrnd evil so i dont feel so bad
ugh depression
hope i shared something usefull

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