

The Transformation
He made me strong, he swept me away from the nightmare and showed me a new life. I began in the garden too afraid to leave, but I left fierce and stronger than ever.
The abuse I had endured by Adams hand still haunted me, but Lucifer was teaching me to turn my pain and rage into my power. Lucifer was the most beautiful man I could ever even imagine. He was tall with porcelain skin and long silky black hair that offset his light blue eyes. His large black wings protruded from his back a symbol of strength.
The world beyond the garden was much more dangerous as it had not yet been completely developed. My first night outside the garden it had rained and the rain was acidic and burned my skin. Lucifer was the one to shield me under his massive wings, he saved me again that night as he always would.
He gave me something I never knew I had, strength and for that my heart belonged to him. The misunderstood angel of light, he held many burdens but never once shared them. I would like to think I gave him something back in return for all the gifts he had given me, but that I could never know.
I slept nightly wrapped safely inside his wings snuggled close to his body, beside him I felt safer than I ever had. I loved him so deeply, but I knew he could never return the feeling. Fore he was the mighty fallen and I a mere defenseless human. Why he chose to protect me at all was a conundrum in itself.
After spending nearly a year with him just outside the gate, being protected by him and hiding my true feelings for him. I knew it was time I became more than just a defenseless human woman, there had to be something more for me.
"Lucifer?" I asked as I trailed along behind him through the woods.
"Yes, my dear?" he answered and my chest fluttered as it always did when he referred to me in such ways.
"Well, I was thinking," I began trailing off on my words nervous about the conversation to come.
"That's great to hear, thinking will keep your mind sharp." he answered obliviously.
"No, I mean I was thinking about my future and my place in this world." I explained and he stopped in his tracks turning to face me.
"What do you mean?" he asked confused and hurt.
"Of course I love my place at your side," I began and his expression began to soften. "I want to keep my place at your side and that is why I think it's time I became stronger." I said looking to my feet nervously.
"My dear sweet girl," he said with a smile placing his hand under my chin lifting my face so I could look him in the eye. "you are already the strongest human in existence, you had the power to rebel." he encouraged brushing my hair behind my ear.
"What if I could be, more than just human?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Well you are the most powerful of all angels fallen or not, surely there is a way you could change me into your own creation." I pried.
"Well yes of course, but it's only a theory I have toyed with and the process would hurt immensely. So it's out of the question I could never harm you." he answered as he carried on walking ahead of me.
"I don't mind." I answered shuffling along behind him.
"Yes, but I do mind." he answered right back.
"How is this your decision to make it is my life." I demanded.
"And it is my power that can dehumanize you. I will not let you lose your humanity for me." he commanded.
"I would give up everything for you willingly. I would fight through any pain if it meant spending eternity by your side." I blurted out stopping in my tracks and covering my mouth as I turned bright red.
He too stopped in his tracks just looking up at the sky. The silence was deafening as I waited for him to say something.
"My dear sweet, Lilith." he finally said after what felt like an eternity in itself, "Your judgement is clouded by my current form, you couldn't possibly mean that."
"I would have said these words to the snake that saved me or the goat in the woods to afraid to face me. You should know no matter your form you will always mean everything to me." I answered.
"Lilith," he sighed and I placed my hand upon his strong shoulder.
"Lucifer, you showed me strength I can handle this." I assured him.
"Very well then, I am sorry for what is to come next but I respect your wishes."
And thus began my painful transition from a mere human woman into the first and most powerful demon.