

Awake(chapter 6)
~ If you haven't read the chapters before this make sure to go read those first and then come back to this chapter ~

Chapter 6

The blasting music finnally gets hear and a red sports car pulls up. Mom comes out of the house, "What is that blasting music?!" And then she sees the car. The blasting music turns off and the car doors start opening. Out from the car emerges 3 people who im very familiar with. Me and Emily has had to deal with them before for a while The only bad thing about this place is them. They start walking up to us and when they finally get here mom says, "Who are you guys, emily did you invite them to the party?" They cross their arms and i turn to mom to say, "Mom just let me talk to them." Mom shrugs and goes inside. Emily steps forward and gives them a dirty look and says, "what do you two want?" Rosalina who is the only girl in the group steps forward. Rosalina is probably the nicest one in the group but isn't completely nice either. She is very pretty and has blonde hair and brown eyes. Today she has a bit of makeup on but its a pretty natural look, she looks at Emily up and down, "Nice to see you Emily, Lydia I need to talk to you." I look at Emily, "It's fine I'll talk to them and then we can have the party." Emily replies, "okay." And heads inside. I look at Rosalina and say, "why are you here?" Rosalina looks behind her at Jackson and Todd as if she's looking for comfirmation and then she looks back at me, "Alright Emily you know why im here." I look her in the eyes, she seems completely sure that I know what she's talking about, "What are you talking about?" She smirks and whispers, "you know your to weak that something isn't right and you know most of all that you couldn't save them." What she just said for some reason it felt like I've been stabbed in the chest. Then i start getting a really bad pain in my head its so bad its almost unbearable. I start screaming i drop to the ground on my knees crying and screaming. And then i hear the words from what sounds like a male voice, "remember lydia you couldn't save them your to weak." I scream at the top of my lungs covering my ears, "Make it stop!!!" Mom and Emily come running out the door, "Lydia what happened?!" The pain stops I just go inside without saying anything and run to my room and slam the door shut.
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