

No hope part 2
I went to bed and tried to sleep but I kept dreaming about my parents, the man who saved me, and the woman who also tried to save me dying over and over. I couldn't sleep after that. Morning came and I cooked some breakfast for myself. I took the bus to get to school. When I got to my new school I went to the office to met the principal. I walked into his office next to him I saw a girl that was a bout 1 or 2 years older then me. "Hello you must be are new student Sora." The principal said. I nooded my head yes. "This is are student body president. Her name is Kayla she is your upperclassmen. This will be her last year at this school." The principal said pointing at Kayla. Kayla stepped up and waved at me with a big smile. "He-hello" I said sounding very nervous. "She will show you around the school today Sora. You 2 girls can go now. Only us about 2 hours of your time to look around the school then go straight to class." The principal said. We left the room and walked around the school. Kayla tried to start conversation but I didn't say much. Once we finished the tour she took me straight to my class like the principal said. I walked in my class. Everyone looked at me but I was to scared to say something to them. "This is going to be your new classmate Sora. She's a bit on the shy spot but she's nice. Don't be to hard on her." Kayla said. The teacher looked at Kayla and nooded her head. Kayla left the room and went to her class room. "Go take a seat over there." The teacher said pointing at a boy. I walked to my seat but when I was about to sit down the boy next to my seat pushed the chair father away from me. I fell to the ground and the whole class laughed at me. I got myself together before I did something to the boy in the seat next to mine. I sat down in my seat like nothing happened. The teacher continued her lesson and I listened. Some people gave me notes. They kept making fun of me through the notes but I didn't care. I wasn't at school to make friends.

© the unknown