

A friend
As I walk into the room, all eyes are on me,
Thump, thump, thump goes my heart,
 I don’t know what to do,
 I want to run,
Anywhere but here.

 I’m lost,
 I don’t belong here,
 Feels like everyone is staring,
 I want this to be a dream, 
 I close my eyes, nothing.

 My mind wanders, 
 I wish the day would end.

 I watch the clock,
It feels like it is still,
“I don’t belong here”
 I tell myself.

Days pass by…
I feel the pressure that I  can’t make a mistake, 
I feel like I’m trying to hold up a building,
Trying to make sure everyone likes me,
 To make sure I was perfect.

I wanted to go, to a place far away,
To leave the pressure behind
And let it go,
To fly away.

Until, a girl walked up to me,
Everything suddenly changed,
I made a friend,
It felt good.

I felt as free as a bird,
That one change,  
I soon made more friends,
I began to feel like I belonged,
I was part of a community.

The pressure left me,
Laughing, talking, dancing,
Be myself.

I am as happy as birds in spring,
Flying, soaring up into the air,
Higher, higher.