

The #Undoing season for me has not been easy, I must say, but so worth it. I was seeing so many contradictions in the Bible, but at first I didn't think to question the doctrines I was listening to and knew, but started questioning the Bible. 🚩🚩🚩

Thank GOD for the HOLY SPIRIT, Who convicted me to search further. I was convicted that the Word of GOD is complete, lacking nothing, each verse coming together in unity with the rest. I started fact checking what was said versus what the Bible says, I started reading verses in the context of the whole chapter and the ones around it and eventually the whole book, comparing Scripture with and to Scripture. At some point I stopped actively listening to sermons and read the Bible independently from the preachers and teachers, all the while depending on the HOLY SPIRIT for HIS explanation. Eventually, I was led to people and material that preached and taught correct doctrine; pure word of GOD, bila side shows.

I have experienced the best one or two years of Bible reading. It took me abandoning what I already knew and relearning, even that which I was so convinced I was correct at, afresh.
It's quite the journey, quite the surrender. The pride in me, because 'I know what I know, I can't be wrong,' was thoroughly embarrassed and it still is.There are days I was like... “Let me just keep believing what I know because this is too much work.”

Am I completely there? Not at all. I still struggle with a lot, but I am not where I was when I started. I still have a long long, long way to go. There will be another phase, and another many of them, of the fundamentals coming. It can be exhausting when you start over, but this time, I will know better to go in with a humble attitude. Pride got in the way the first time and I don't want to hinder the peace and other goodies I can get from this space. We learn through it.

I will do it over and over again to understand the Bible better, knowing well that the journey doesn't stop. It has helped to acknowledge that the work CHRIST begun in me will be complete, not now, but continuously, until the day HE returns.

#JisomeeBible #LiveAboutGOD #TalkingAboutGODUnashamedly