

The Draca Chronicles: The Very Beginning (Chapter 1: Unfair)
So I'm not good with people and the whole introduction thing but I'm Ardeth. I'm not exactly the family favorite. Like I really care about what they think. After tonight I'm gonna live forever and these self centered idiots will have to let me do my own thing. They will never tell me I don't live up to expectations. It's not fair that Izabella, my brat little sister, is their favorite. They say she's got it all. The looks, brains, talent, creativity, ect. They always wondered what happened to me? What went wrong with me? So they decided that Izzy had gotten my share too. I have talent. I'm beautiful. I'm very intelligent too. They just don't nurture me like they do Izzy. I know I could do great things but I am not given the chance. This day just can't go by fast enough. While Izzy's learning advanced magickz. I'm stuck in the kitchen helping to fix the evening meal. They quit teaching me after the basics but I have still been learning behind their backs. I keep it all to myself. I'll be free soon.

I know death will take me soon. I rather that I never die. I was looking through my aunt Annalyn's Book of Shadows today and I found the most wonderful spell and the answer to my problem. The elder who wrote it called it 'The Vampiric Awakening'. Its absolutely perfect. I can become immortal and it doesn't even call for any sacrifices like someone else told me. I just need my voice, some time, some red ribbons, lemon juice, flour, milk, a mixing bowl, a sea sponge, a cloth to dry myself, grave soil, and to open my third eye, also a lot of concentration. The instructions don't sound hard either.........

(Next chapter coming soon)

© A.R.Kaetterhenry
©Amanda R. Kaetterhenry
© A.R.Thorn
© A.R.Kicinski
© A.R.Eddy
©Amanda Golden-Flidais
©Synessa Rinna Altiria
©Althiea Brayan Silvara