

Truth or Dare!
part 1️⃣

T or D!

Lillian said the meaning is Truth or Dare. She said It is a cool game for cool kids. And since I have been longing to be amongst the cool kids in Binta high school, I thought maybe that was my only chance to be part of them. I was tired of being seen and called a nerd. Having a little fun in high school won't do me much harm. After all, they say all work and no play makes Jack a dull fellow.

I have spent all my school years studying hard, I am a very bright student, everyone knows that. The only kind of friends I hang out with are nerds like myself. All we do is read.

my parents warned me about friends like Lillian. They said she would do more harm than good to my life.

Okay mummy, okay daddy! But can I at least have just a little, tiny bit of fun? I mean it'll be so unfair to finish high school with no fun memories at all asides from Studying.

I admired Lillian the moment she joined us, I wanted to be like her, Popular.
I am popular too but not her kind of popularity she's Queen B, and everyone wanted to be around her, both Boys and Girls. I envied her. I wanted to be part of her group. The Cool, Classy Kids In School. I knew if I want to be like them I have to do things they do, one of which is going to house parties.

The first time Lillian introduced me to her friends they all laughed at me, asking why Lillian was hanging out with a boring person like me.

"Oh well, that hurts, that's exactly what I wanted to stop being called Boring"

It would've been difficult to mingle with them if Lillian wasn't their boss. Whatever she said was the final say, they had no choice but to accept a boring nerd as one of them. But I wanted to prove that I was worthy to be part of them

When she told me about that house party, she said it was strictly by invitation. Not everyone could attend, so I guess I was lucky to be chosen. But I was scared, I have never been to a party of that kind before. According to what My nerd friends said, it would be full of boys and girls who don't care about what their parents will do to them if caught doing drugs or making out.

"Are you sure you want to go to such a party? They asked.

Yes! I was ready, I wanted to belong and have to show them I could also do cool kids' stuff.

So, I'd go.

Halfway into the party, after seeing things my eyes have never seen in my 16 years of existence, Right before me I saw my fellow students making out like it was nothing, somewhere drinking, when I asked for a soft drink they all laugh at me.

"Come on girl does this place look like a church program or some 5years old birthday party? One asked.

"I told, Lilly, this girl is too dry, she shouldn't be here! another added.

But as usual, Lillian was nice to me, she shut them up and gave me a drink with less alcohol In it.

I told her I had to leave, that it was getting late, and she told me I couldn't, that no one could leave. once you are in that's it, the doors are opened after the party and that should be around 2 am.

"Oh, my world!2 am? I should be snoring in bed by then! What have I gotten myself into? I asked myself.

She told me to relax

"Stop holding back Gift, you see this game T or d we are about to play, I promise you'll love It!"

She explained how the game is been played and told me I only had 3 chances to Vodka mixed with other stuff I do not know, instead of doing the Dare or answering the questions do not want to answer.

She told me I Couldn't pick T only, I must pick D as well. Like 2Ts and 1D. Something like that.

"Okay cool. I am ready"I told her.

She patted me on the back and smiled it reminded me of my Dad.

Speaking of my Dad and my Mom too, I lied to them before leaving home. I told them I was having a sleepover at my best friend's and they believed me they trust me and her.

If only they knew I was at a party full of kids they warned me about seriously, to stay away from. they would've come searching for me by now.

"Your Turn Gift," Jason the cutest guy in school and my crush said to me.

He's the reason I wanted to be like Lillian. I wanted him to notice me.

"Huh? Uhmm... T" I stutterer.

"You can't pick T again and you can't pass with a drink, you've used that up too" he explained calmly.

Oh yeah! I was feeling intoxicated already after taking 3 or 4shots of whatever it is they mixed.

I have been avoiding that D, cause I saw things they are asked to do, and if you don't do it, you will have to pay 3 thousand nairas.
that If you've used up your drink. Just as I have.

Oh, my God! I am in a bigger mess than I thought. What if I'm told to do something I can't? What do I do? I said to myself silently panicking.

"D. . ." I said almost whispering.

a girl smiled widely.

"I dare you Gift, to make out with Jason right here right now"
