

Highschool Lovers
You're walking into the building. You're supposed to be listening to the principal, but you're listening to your heart race wondering what's going to happen, and how I'll react. You go through a few scenarios, "I don't do anything and don't react or talk to you at all through out the whole day." or "I jump up onto my desk and start stripping... wait, why would he do that?" or "He runs towards you and kisses you... you pull him close, and then you're in his bed. His bed? Why not mine? wait when did we have beds in schools? Why am I thinking this?" You then stop to think and get your thoughts collected. The teacher asks if you're alright, and you answer with a nod, and you begin walking again. While in the class room the desks are in rows, I'm drawing on the table in the back room with my headphones on and not giving a care in the world, what happens with my grades. I draw a small little character and name it "The Angel." It's with a group of other characters all smiling and laughing. They're a big family. I smile and I see a hand smear across the picture. I look up and see a person laughing and I get mad but I slump into my chair. I turn my music up louder and then you walk in all nervously. I lower my headphones and we make eye contact. You start smiling and you don't stop. As if you can't. I stumble to your feet and I start walking towards you. The teacher tells me to go back to my seat but then again, I don't hear anything the teacher says. I push through people's desks and I make it to you. You're smiling but tearing at the same time breathing loud as ever. And I put my hand against your cheek, smile and whisper. "It's really you isn't it?" You nod and I kiss you.. Your cheeks are as red as your ears, and your eyes look frantically at mine as I just stare normally back into yours. I walk back to my seat and smile the whole way. You walk to sit next to me and we hold hands across the aisle throughout the day.