

To which boundary will you end up in
We say we don't care about what the world will think of us . We say we don't care about whether it will approve or disapprove our life choices, whether it will descriminate us for choosing who we want to be . But that's not true. Because we do care to some extent. We do care whether the people we love will choose to stay and support us , or leave due to our life decisions. They say we have to dream big . They say if your dreams don't scare you , then you have not yet started dreaming . They say reach for the stars . And Yes , we do dream of reaching the stars , Yes we do dream of being the change in our small worlds . But at the end of the day , we look back and think about what 'They ' will say. We remain stuck in between our own dreams and wanting to please 'Them '.
And at the end of the day , we don't want to give up on either of the two , We try to compromise so that we balance in between. It's the shear willpower of not wanting to give up on our true selves that will keep us in between the two boundaries , but when the walls separating the two choices are broken down , The question will remain, To Which Side Of The Boundaries Will We Find Ourselves ❓
© silent_pen