

Princess Rupon, the outgoing and easy going princess, loved and admired, is just leaving Rupon and her parents for Chelmsford, another city and England. She takes with her a luggage, to experience adventures, fun, tales, etc, what she loves best. Princess Crown bumps into the recent king of Chelmsford, king Juke, one time a and called prince, in the woods. King juke also has an occupation, master, keeper and protector of dragons in his city, Chelmsford. She is lost in the woods. King Juke directs her out of the woods, walks along with her so she can find her way, wherever she is going. They converse afterwards. As they talk, the two fall in love with one another. She exposes she is the princess of Rupon, likewise King Juke. But, King Juke is obviously older and bigger than her. In age, monarchy, status, class, experiences, life, etc. She is just the princess of Rupon, but has a royal family, "The Edwirns". Chelmsford is greater and bigger than Rupon. The king Juke also and his family, "The Litchfields". However, princess Crown is one of the prettiest females he has ever met. They arrive where she is heading for and bid each other farewell and promise to meet again.( "Pinky swear by the princess"- done with the last finger). She also gives him her baret, deep inside her luggage, so they will meet again. Gives her his band and empty wallet.
A scene reveals with his worries pertaining other and the women of Chelmsford, tis his age bracket. Their love for him hence. Knows why they love and admire him, drawn to him and want to marry him. His status, kingship, wealth and exhibitions. He is very good, cool, fun and awesome. He isn't attracted nor interested in them. All because he is very good, cool, awesome, fun, wealthy, statusome and king of Chelmsford. Makes no sense to him why women will love him, admire him, be drawn to him and want to marry him. He wants a true and real woman.
He spends his time in his kingdom, training with his dragons(in a locked hall) and also spending time with his three close and best friends, Klady, Gideon and Muhdison.Also fighting and protecting his dragons against bad dragons in the locked hall. This is a real event and account, not a fairytale, nor imaginary. One time, Crown goes looking for him in the castle and enters the hall not locked by Juke. She is welcomed by the dragons. Her scream arrives Juke. Lucky Crown, the dragons are loyal and submissive to their master Juke. She states, "the worst and scariest experience in my entire life"// I promise, I will never make this mistake in my life". King Juke is seen laughing. She becomes much trouble for the king.
King Juke and princess Crown travel and reach a hill. Attempt playing and dancing in the scene, she falls into a river. The king dives immediately into the river, swims to get her, and brings her out of the river. Revives her afterwards.
The king also has jealous, wicked and evil coutiers, who want his throne. He knows and intelligent with them. He fights and kills his courtiers with his own troop, whom have led treaty with other soldiers in the kingdom ( His courtiers and conflict tension in the drama)
Again, princess Crown brings him another trouble. She drinks a bottled poison, arranged by Pulgath, one of his wicked courtiers. Pulgath lies to her it is bottle Vinegar. ("Drink, it will pour you thirst. Drink this bottle Vinegar"). Juke enters and sees her almost lifeless. She snitches on Pulgath and he promises to slay him( Plot climax). Hastingly and foremost, takes Crown to the witch and poison doctor, Signrius. Crown lives, Juke thanks Signrius.
King Juke kills Pulgath as he has said he will. Another conflict in the text, the women of Chelmsford trouble and come in between princess Crown and king Juke. Most accuse him of being childish, attracted and in relationships with younger ladies, despise him and princess Crown's mutual love. Some say he abuses younger ladies. The lovers do not care what people say to them. Juke calls her his browny/ brownnie Crown or Crown browny/ brownie. She calls him Jukes, Juky or Jukaus.
Crown's youngness disturbs Juke now, despite their love is adorable and amazing. Juke ends their relationship by marrying someone valuable and great, tis his age bracket,despite she isn't royalty, Violine. Daughter of an average Lieutenant in Chelmsford, Halewall. This brings about another literary and dramatic text still by Mr. T. Jeffery, "The King and the Queen". Juke and Violine have eight children, Queeneville, Charlie and Charlotte (twins), Winter and Winter (twins, boy and and girl), Chocolate and Chunny ( twin boys) and Junior the last.
Crown finds a common boy, tis her age, Frank Edd, just appointed prince of Scotland (so no longer a commoner), whose uncle was one time Duke of Scotland, Ganolock, yet Frank Edd was cast aside. Crown becomes the princess of Scotland, alongside Frank Edd. Her cousin Timothy becomes the king of Rupon after her father Robohan, pass on. Juke and Violine rule Chelmsford for twelve years, then their children rule England, Germany, Malta, Iceland, Finland, Ireland, Croatia and Albania and many countries of the world. The End.