

Realise before its too late .
Write a story based on the phrase "You will realize a person's worth when they are gone."
Tanya was once gazing upon the pond that laid infront of her , she threw a stone and looked at it until it disappeared from her sight . She was all alone but that wasn't something new to her , as she was all she had , not in litreal senses , she did have her Parents and siblings but at that moment she felt like no one else existed . As the sun shinned upon her not so fair skin she covered it with a shawl that she had worn . She always hated Sun as she believed that it shines for everyone except for her . To be precise she had lost her best friend the previous week . And ever since then she had forgotten to smile . She was guilty that she never appreciated Katherine. For all that she had done for her . She missed her smile , her possessive nature , her maturity to handle things , her soft corner for Tanya , her forever caring behaviour and things which couldn't be expressed in words ..in the middle of all these thoughts entered a puppy running in the middle of the road , whom Tanya was just looking at and suddenly a truck rolled over it knocking out the small creature. As she ran towards it in fear , she saw a girl holding it tight in her arms filled with blood , her white dress now coloured red , was no one else but Katherine. The puppy then ran to its owner - Tanya . It was afraid ,but all Tanya saw was her best friend laying down dead to save a puppy which she was gifted by her Grandfather in the last days of his life ..all of a sudden she was awakened by coco (puppy) who was licking her hands and she cried an ocean of tears as she hugged coco as it now remained even more precious as it forever will remind her of her best friend -Katherine .
© Alora