

Midnight ♡Part Two♡
Midnight was gonna go to meet her friend Ashley when A guy accidentally fell down onto her!
"Watch where your going-"Midnight got cutoff whenever she looked into his eyes and how his eyes were a beautiful yellow color.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to"
"I-its okay..."
"I'm Danny By the way"
Midnight continued on her way to meet Ashley after she departed from this Danny fellow. But she couldn't stop thinking about him and how when he fell onto her.
After meeting with Ashley, Midnight wanted to relax so she went to her favorite spot. the cliff. She liked to lay on the edge,listen to music, and just not think about anything at all...
Ash: Hey Mid? You okay?
Midnight: Yes of course I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?
Ash: I was just checking in on my sis Chill
Midnight: Dont you have demons and gods to fight?
Ash:Yes but I just wanted to make sure my only sister is doing okay
Midnight: Well you should get back to doing your job, its one important job you got there
Ash: Okay Bye Mid. Cya
Midnight: Cya