

Acts of Giving!
The acts of giving is not for the rich!
It is for the generous, it doesn't have an age grade,it has to come from the heart with not grief before and after, it is not always out of the abundance of the heart, it is however out of your need to give, it is a personal commitment goal. Some of us our offering is still #50, some don't even drop, then you can buy #2000 data to stream service cos you don't have to pay offering. Imagine building a house with bad soil and wrong materials only to find that, that will be your house forever?
That is how the giving is, why? When you give to God, there's a reward, when you give to man there's a reward, in giving you meet with your camera pose( the way you give is the way you receive) "it is Like a farmer that plants lemon, the closest he'll get to sweetness in harvest is lemonade". This is a proverb, giving is offering something with specific intentions not to receive back first, "but to sow" giving don't make you superior to the receiver rather it "keeps you blessed", and secures you for receiving in a *pressed down*,meaning there will not be room to contain them*Shaking together* that you received in abundance the blessings attached to giving Malachi 3:10-12 *and *running over* that even after you,your generation benefit from these blessings,*so shall men give to your Bossom* the measure is as you have given,how you give is evaluated over what you give.it is how you give that makes what you give valuable and worthy of rewards not what you give."blessed is the hand that gives than the hand that receives" means more sense right?
Good morning