

once upon a time I could fly
once upon a time I was home. one day I wandered away and got lost i looked around and I was in a huge crowd of people but all alone. I found myself in a time machine and I pushed the buttons to go somwhere else but when the doors opened I was still lost still alone in a different crowd of people. I wonder if I ever would find my way back home. I realize that I am safe in the lost world still even tho I'm completely alone. No one recognizes me here im alone and un recognized they don't even try to look at me they just move all around me and I stand in one place unmoved unphased. is this my life I wonder or will the time machine just move into a new phase when I push the button and next time the doors close... maybe they will transform into another life.. away from the one where I don't belong in... now I am running down a dock being chased by a wolf and as I reach the end the dock breaks and run straight into the water but before I hit the cold splash I transform no wait I realize I never fall but rise and now I fly everywhere. I don't know where I am going but whenever I'm back in the dream im flying again... and thats the beauty of my dream I don't remember what happens next but hey ignorance is bliss right?
© QueenLoveFromAbove