

Lips, like strawberries, sweetly missed. In stature, petite yet achingly thick, Her presence, a force, a powerful flick.

Hazel eyes, windows to infinite dreams, They capture souls, pulling at heartstrings. Wavy locks, a crown of untamed curls, Flowing past her ass, swirling like whirls.

And oh, those dimples, etched when she smiles, Bringing together each dazzling wile. In her essence, a beauty so deep, Radiant soul, her promises keep.

Falling love, an enchanting spell, Her aura, mystical, one cannot quell. Captivating, catching, like fireflies at night, She's a once in a lifetime, a radiant light.

A woman of substance, both fierce and kind, Like a whispered prayer, she heals every mind. Doctor, lover, child, and mother, She embodies every good part, like no other.

She's nurturing, caring, her love knows no bounds, She's everything good, a symphony of sounds. Granting wishes of what we all aspire, A reflection of goodness we all admire.

But dare not wish to be her, my friend, For within her grace, our dreams may bend. Instead, let her existence inspire, To love, to cherish, to ignite our fire.

For she is a reminder, like a shining star, That goodness exists, no matter how far.
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