


The purpose of writing this is to show how anyone can come out of depression. As i did it myself.
The worst thing about depression is the person feels helpless worthless hopeless. Thats what the Becks triad of psychiatry says. The worst being hopelessness for the future. And once that sets in, life will go downhill fast. Well there is hopelessness and the person cant see how he /she can easily overcome it.
The dark clouds of depression have covered the light of hope. They are not to be blamed. Just find a way to come out of it. Ask no help. Because even if people will try to help you, it might not be ok for you.
Find out a way, just like Ahana did by adopting (NOT BUYING) the cats.
This shows she herself added something new in her life. When you add something new, when you wake up everyday and have something to look forward to, hopelessness will go away automatically.
But remember never add something which caused depression in the first place. Like if it is because of a broken relationship, dont go finding someone else. If it was because of death of a pet you were really close to, don't adopt a new one.
Will be happy to receive your comments.