

Lord Altard's heart stopped. His body jerked forward. The heat in his body plummeted. The sticky wall that loomed over him encased him in fear. He turned away from it. He took deep breaths, hollow and loud in the silence of the alley. The dim sun rays barely left its lingering touch of light.  
The tension in his body seeped away. He breathed in, the fear in his chest slowly gave way. He ran a hand through his matted locks, his signet ring glinting. He barely contained the small laugh that escaped his lips. He was safe. The words felt like a dream judging by his most recent experiences. He tilted his head back a bit, his lanky frame wavering to  the dance of the chilly air. A whistle from the distance came from further down the alley. With that, his sense of safety shattered. His breath rushed out in ragged gasps. Spams of heat flooded through his body. 
  He saw the outline of a figure in the  dark cloak. His alarm rose. He turned away and began to claw at the walls. The sturdy bricks stood against him. His hand slid down the moist surface. The hairs on his neck stood. The hollow footsteps resounded in his ears. His urgency increased. The temperature in his surroundings dropped a couple of degrees. Chills ran down his spine as he stopped his attempts and turned back. He could see her. 
He fought of the droughts of fear that plagued him. He shook his head, allowing reassuring words run through his head. He was a noble and she was worth no more than the speck on his shoe. His guards would soon find him. Yet, the pressure smashed on his chest. His body remained immune to the wordless chants.  

“Funny how life works.” Her abrasive voice rung through the air. His teeth chattered, the chilly air briskly suffocating him. Her average frame stopped a few steps from him.  

“I thought a scholar such as yourself would grab a chance at greatness when it presents itself before you.” He fought the urge to stay quiet. 

“Your idea of greatness is despicable, I shouldn’t be surprised since it’s coming from filth like you.” His voice aired with confidence but his body continued to tremble. She chuckled lowly. The soft rumble rose up from her belly. 

“I see your lot continue to act like the hypocrites you are. Do you know why I asked you to join us?" He already knew the answer but making her talk would give him more time. His guards would be here soon. They have to be. 

“I believe you share common principles that we stand for. Your sole desire to achieve all your goals at all costs even if it means hurting your loved ones, now that is something of admiration. Despite what you say, you and I are both the same.” 

“I am nothing like you!” he spat in disgust, his saliva barely grazing her woolen boots. He looked beyond her daunting frame. The smell of ashes that followed after her assaulted his nostrils drenching him.

“And to think we would have been partners," she raised her hands slightly. ”I gave you a chance to be among those who would remake history. To be a part of a revolution that would leave a mark on this world-“ 

“Oh save your breath! Your silly revolution will go down with your disgusting lot.” He continued to peek down the path. The hammering of his heart continued on, knowing he was playing on dangerous seas. She smirked under the hood of her thin cloak. The temperature dropped a few degrees. She took a step to him. A white patch surrounded where she once stood.  His breath began to foam in short husks of mist. It swirled before dissolving. 
“Do you know what I enjoy most about pesky nobles?” the air around him became more suffocating. The ashy scent crackled with the pungent odor of singed flesh.  Her presence behind that unwavering cloak choked him. She leaned near him. He fearfully cowered back. Light from the overhead sun shone down in the deserted alley. He could see her eyes. The coldest of blue seas that reminded him of the time he fell into a frozen lake. 

“The revolt in your eyes when you see people far below your lot achieve. I hope you can enjoy the show of events that play out when you’re in your grave because I will enjoy every piece of it.” His eyes widened in fear. He fell to his knees with his chest pounding. She grabbed a hold of his hair. He writhed in her grip, her iron hold pulling at his skull. His organs began to slow.

“No….y..ou c-“ 

“Your time has come to an end human; I hope you enjoy the other side.”

I want to thank God for giving me the Grace to write this. So, how do you see it? If you want to see more check out my Wattpad account @favcountrywriting

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