


'Change is the law of life' but this statement doesn't apply to status of women in the society.
History is the witness of heinous crimes against women.women were the most oppressed part of the society. And till today we can hear the echo of such crimes or rather we can feel them, because till now atrocious and brutal crimes against women still persists in the society.

Only superficial thought process of people has changed about women but the concept of gender equality is still alien. Today whenever one flips a newspaper one only gets cases of dowry, rape, female foeticide. It is a shame for a country like India where numerous female Goddess are worshiped. On one hand during puja people adorn idols of Goddess with clothes and worship them and on the other hand the same people outrage the modesty of women. And our Indian society totally stigmatizes the victim and questions her integrity rather than taking some action against such inhuman act.

I want to ask such dolt people 'Is being a girl, a crime? Why can't women do what they like? Why Indian society is so patriarchal? There are no paucity of crime against women. On one side we worship girls as a symbol of Lakshmi on the other side we feel cursed to have a girl child.why can't people understand having a baby is a blessing of God, we should accept it happily whether it is a girl or a boy. I would like to pose a question to such hidebound people 'imagine if women being extinct from earth, is this world going to continue?people are hypocrites, every one has dual face.people carp each other on hearing exploitation of women. But the same people do the same exploitation.exploitation is an exploitation whether mental or physical.

I feel to some extent women too are responsible for their condition because they have accepted this state as their destiny.so, this is my appeal to all the damsels never let anyone exploit you.stand for your rights and don't be afraid of anyone. God has made us much stronger than men(strength does not imply only bodily strength). It is our mistake that we are not cognizant of our strength. So awake and let not anyone exploit you in any manner.

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