

Ever asked a selfish...Why selfish?
when they all were destined to their goals it was me standing besides me ,taking care of me,telling myself that there's still another spirit lying deep in my heart's core ,still there are some hopes urging me to keep myself ^me^ and not to get panicked because those who were meant to gone are gone away of my life, those who were never mine are no more with me.if there's something left then it's me .
A year ago my life got a turn not because I stepped out of my weary life but because that busy life became happy and joyous cause of my some friends. It was a joyous faybreak after a long night of dullness. They came and lighten up my eyes ,gave me the utmost time ,chilled with me and told all the secrets of untold truths.I also started getting closer .Since I were the one who needed some love ,care and attention so I got indulged in those people so badly that I forgot me in ^me^ mentioning it again and again because we often forget me in ^us^.Now the story at it's climax, friends got some other stuff to live about and the world betrayed me just like it's temporary forever. It loves no one,so it left me alone as well .People get changed as soon as they find someone better .A bitter reality that has to be faced indeed.We are living in a bubble of this world where we expect alot from others .Here we don't talk to the person profoundly we get into them in seconds without understanding our personal interests and requirements, underestimating the power of ^me^ I did it too. I just stayed there for months because I was waiting for some structural feelings that may appear from the fakery of their tones but all in vain. NO ONE CAME BACK .Even they didn't bother asking if am fine or not ? .As far as I tried to be a part of their life,they let me in just like a blink of eyes and hurt me within some time .That was the time I STOPPED MYSLEF. My all the muscles that strained their they nerves to get my way to them,was pulling me back to KNOW MY WORTH.I thought that was my conscience started supporting me. Now ,at this time ,I am assured that there's no one to spurn me,pull back me ,hurt me,foul me,bull me and reproach me.
If there is someone that will live for ^me^.Ever you asked a selfish what made him selfish ? .Yes probably this world .Now I live for me I can't find a single chance that can be given to any other soul to get attached to me enough to hurt me.Whats mine will find me .Yes It will
© maniya