

Unexpected Love {CH-3}

( Hazel)

I convinced myself that the incident which happened with Ethan was just a coincidence and he will forget me once he meets his mother at home.
Unfortunately I didn't had my mother with me. She died 3 years before and after that my dad was never the same. He became from my superhero dad to a heartless person in a heartbeat but i have now become used to his behaviour. Usually he comes back home around an hour late after i come back from university. If he is in a good mood, he just calls me names and drinks but trust me when i say that you never ever want to witness what happens when he is in a bad mood.
I unlocked the door and entered the house and there he sat with an expression of anger and disgusted completely directed towards me.
"Where were you, brat?" He asked me.
" I am sorry Sir but we were out of the food.. so i just got some necessities.There was a long line so i got a little late." I lied about the last part as I couldn't tell him the story of Ethan.
And yes when my mother died.. my dad died with her.. So he is "SIR" for me now.
"Oh so you forgot bring food again on time.. you are nothing but a curse for me.. i wish you were the one who died that day and not my love." He said , his eyes holding only disgust and nothing else.
His words didn't hurt now because somewhere in my heart i also wish that it should have been me not my mom.
He came forward and took my hair in a tight hold. My face scrunched in pain.
"Listen here.. you worthless brat. Today I am going out with my friends. If i came to know that you did something that I don't want in this house after i am gone, then you are very well aware of consequences." He spat out, his grip only tightening.
" Yes Sir" I nodded and flinched when he threw me against the wall.
With that said, he was out of the door. After I realised that he was really gone I did a happy dance and smiled to myself as today I could get a fearless sleep. I took the groceries in kitchen and put them to their places.
I prepared myself pasta as it was my favourite dish. I sat in front of TV and ate my dinner.
Usually when my dad was home i couldn't watch TV. Its very rare that he goes out for whole night.
I enjoyed my dinner and ate a small cup of ice cream which i had bought for myself. After about 3 hours i found myself yawning and decided that it was time to go to sleep.
I washed my face ,combed and tied my hair and went to bed. After laying head on pillow , I was just about to doze off but then i heard the doorbell. I sighed and got up. I peeped through the front the front door and god i was shocked. I quickly opened the door and said ," Ethan ?" .

Thank you for reading this chapter and like, comment and follow if you are enjoying the story. I would love to read your reviews. ❤✌
P.S Sorry for the late !!! I hope you don't mind.!!!😊😊