

I miss you sometimes - Episode 8
(A trip in the heaven of two)

I found the perfect hole to hide from the world. The lands that I once enjoyed walking on have become so inhospitable that my feet burn just thinking about them. It is as if the hostility of the spaces above craves my discomfort. My skin shivers and my body trembles from the fear of having to walk amongst my own kind without you by my side. But down here, I find some peace as I relive the moments we shared in my reveries and wishes of escape.

It is a belief that existing in the pieces that accept calm, and as such, it is only in your world from which I have ever felt at home. It was warm there, and I miss it. I miss a lot of things from that other side that used to put my being at ease. I miss our talks, our moments of passion, the friendly fights, those big brown eyes, your nose, your laughter, and much more. In short, I miss being in your space and within the bounds of our little bountiful paradise. It was rich in the delights of life, and I am glad that you were the central part of it. It made me whole.

I was brave in that world. I was in love with a one-of-a-kind woman, and being the Romeo to her heart filled me with zeal for life. I had found you, and you had found me; I bounced when I walked on those paths. Nothing could shake me from the faith in what had tied us – I was firm in living up to the pact that we forged with our hearts. My mind was impenetrable to doubts, and my heart was blind to temptations...

To be continued

© Ommie