

wearing shorts and a hoodie,you head downstairs with Cher.
After dinner,you help wash the dishes and head back to the room.
me:"so what's up with Marv??"you say sitted on the bed
Cher:"we talked bout us and you won't believe Scott broke up with Jane bcuz he found out she was sending nudes to some guy..and from the looks of it ...they were dating.
me:"oh my ghad!He had no right to go thru her phone In the first instance.who does that??
Not cool at all"
Cher:"I agree with you but if he had not done that he would not know bout her oda relationship"
me:"well..ts not like he's a saint himself..m sure he is involved with someone else too...who don't engage in such??"
Cher:"I don't,and Marv doesn't"
me:"ugh...love birds"
you say rolling your eyes
"I guess am d only single one here after all"you say with a sigh
Cher:"come to think of it.Angelo is pretty cool to hang with.Y don't you keep your eyes on his for sometime"
me:"He's good looking too...I know n HE PULLS PRANKS ON EVERYONE thxs but I'll pass.."
Cher:"well you shud at least consider him, Scott has moved on...I av no idea y u can't let go of your feelings "
me:"and how bout we change the topic huh....'
Cher:"fine.if you say so.i'll stop for naw.
Soo Marv wants us to watch a movie tomorrow"
me:"ohk...n u didn't mention it to your mom?"
*with a worried look*
Cher:"you shud know my mom by naw...she won't agree to it...the only person who wud is dad buh he's away on a business trip"
me:"so wah time tomorrow??"
me:*I see where this is heading*so you want me to...'
Cher:"just tell my mom we r going for a walk or smt... she'll probably agree since we'll be together"
Teddy barks at the door and you get up to open the door.It runs inside sniffing around and jumps on the bed.you leave the door slightly open and walk back to d bed.Teddy walks towards you and you brush it's hair wt your hand and rub it's head.
me:"well...only on one condition"
Cher:"which is"
you pause for a min and say"buy me a chocolate ice cream first"
she toss a pillow at you and say"I actually tot you wud say no"
me:"y shud I??you've also helped me with my personal prob in middle school remember?"
Cher:"u r rite.come to think of it"she said with a smile
me:"wait.what am I going to do with you and Marv playing love birds dere??
Cher:"you don't av to worry..Marv has it covered 😏😏 he'll bring company ohk"
me:"I can c it was all planned out...right now m having a second thought"
you say pretending to be serious
Cher:"you've got to be kidding me rite naw"
me:"soooo who is Marv bringing over huh??"
Cher:"m saying nothing...Ts a surprise"
me"whatever...I wonder who it is???"
Cher grabs the TV remote next to her and changes the channel to Fox life....our show is starting soon.
you notice that teddy's already sleeping.you place him gently btw you and Cher and your attention returns to the movie playing.
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