

Sharir After The Red Moon
After The Red Moon

Introduction : .......

Sarteajz Delano : :

Sarteaz is 33 years old bachelor, and a successful business man of Turkey. His tall hight and handsome look, like an Asian drama's hero , girls sixteen upto sixty are crazy to get a live coffee cup reading from him. He care for his fans the most . He believes, if the fans are happy, then they will bring good energy, good fortune and lots of money to his fortune telling app named "Lucky's luck ". He is adventures, his dream to travel all over the world and spent time in the lap of nature.


Rumpa Tagore : :

she is so gorgeous like bottle of mature wine,she looks like a divine angle, her intuitive power is high, she can read not only humans but also other living beings thoughts like a open pages of a book, she never know how to ignore other people's blha ..blha... like fake words and continue relationship with them, firstly she scene them and identify them and finally without any words just ignore them , it can be said that she is a living lie detector machine. she is very soft hearted, caring and loving person and she doesn't want to waste her precious feeling on unworthy people, her husband is one of them also from him she withdraw her emotional attachment. Now her only goal is, " rest of her breath in this life spend joyful happy moment with her daughters ; and protect them from evils,"


Tarun Guha ::

Tarun is a tall ,dark ,handsome guy ,as army person ,his uniform give him a perfect handsome look. To him families means his parents and his brother and sister. Even though he lives with his wife and daughter for last fifteen years in army quarter in different parts of India,but he is unable to give them a peaceful life due to his narcissistic personality. His mother's black magic transformed him into a heartless dirty monster, love is gone from his heart but when it comes to sextual relationship like a dirty creature there is no gender Pacific...Almost every night he takes drink and then his true colour comes out, he threat his daughter and wife, " I will kill you both, then I will go to my family to my poor,dearest parents and I will live peacefully with them forever ".


Smita (Devosmita) : :

13 years old, intelligent and beautiful teen girl smita , it could be said that" Even before her birth , she was targeted by evils, her thirteen years of age full of bad memories and make her grow older than her age ". Recently she regain her magical powers fully but she act like a soft child .


Lola and Lova : :

Lola is a rottweiler and Lova is Pitbull in this time, they takes different pet's from to stay by Rumpa's side. They are here to protect both the mother and daughter like a shield because this story is created by them.


Rani Guha : :

The name Rani ,means queen, yes she is queen but she is queen of evils. A ugly powerful evil soul reside inside her. Generation by generation the process of trapping souls and , use them as a slave is their favorite game when they are inside a human body. Every one knows her as Tarun's mother but reality is Tarun is her puppet and his birth is a mystery for some people even now. Anyway, serving maternity is not Rani's purpose, she is using him as a trap to destroy the positive energy send by heaven...... 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤


Time bring those Characters together in this world , when the war ,light 🆚 dark is again in agendas, let's see what kind of tasks they will performed in this life.
