

involve with my roommate part 1-3
Hi I'm lexi and I'm 19 years old also I'm starting college today lexi said.

Later that day

Principle: Lexi your roommate is Jack
Lexi: ok sir
(Gives her dorm keys*)
Jack: So ur my new roommate?
Lexi:yYes I'm lexi nice to meet u
Jack: I'm jack
Lexi: Well ima go unpack
She unpacks*
Lexi goes to take a shower*
Jack walks in on her showering*
Jack: oh sh!t so sorry,with his hands on his face*
Jack: Yea yea whatever 🙄
He walks out*
Lexi: that was so weird
She gets out of the shower n gets dressed*
Lexi: ima go meet up with my best friend
Jack: ok
She goes to meet up with her bff*
Her best friend: hey gurl
Lexi: hey
Her best friend: wanna hang out at the park?

At the Park

Her best friend: look at those boys r they not hot?
Lexi: i mean yea but u should see my roommate
Her bff: ur roommate is a boy
Lexi: yea
1 hour later*
Lexi: i gotta go bye
Her bff: bye
On her way back o the dorm*
She pumped into someone*
Lexi: omg so sorry
Ben: it's ok
Ben: I've never seen u around before
Lexi: i just started, I'm lexi
Ben: I'm ben
Lexi: bye i gotta get going
Ben: cya around
In her dorm*
Jack: your back early
Lexi : u call 10pm early ?
Jack: yea
Jack : gn
Lexi : gn

They both go to bed*
Lexi: gm sleeping beauty
Jack: gimme 5 more mins
Lexi: get up
In jacks mind( why she gotta be so hot)
Lexi: Jack?
Lexi: Jack
Lexi: bye sleeping beauty*
2 hours later
Lexi: Jack it's 9am
Jack: yea so?
Lexi: u missed 2 classes
Jack: i was gonna skip it anyway
Jack gets a call*
Ben: Jack
Jack: yea wats up?
Ben: there's a party at lisa u going
Jack: yea
Ben: alr cya there
Hangs up*
Jack :come with me to this party please
Lexi: oo ofc
A few hours later*
Lexi: oh hey
Ben: hey
Lexi: sorry about yesterday
Ben:it's good