

Be The Change
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it. It was golden in color, thin but strong which could not be molded easily. It was long with some kind of symbol- a moon, crescent moon embedded on its top. I looked at it for a long time, making my mind travel in the past, finding the lock to this key. Do I know this key? Have I seen it anywhere in my life? Does it belong to our family or is it some kind of family heritage passed on from generation to generation? What is it? I look at the envelope again, there’s no address given. Now, what does this mean?

I open the page of instructions to find more about it. It says “Crescent found on the top of the key resembles the moon; it symbolizes new beginnings and the making of dreams into reality. Use this key only when you want to be the change. Once you use this key, it might make your life difficult but there’s light at the end of this tunnel. If you are ready to take this challenge only then use it, there’s no turning back.” Reading these words got me off my foot. Were these instructions? It seemed more like a warning. What change? What do I want to change?

I put the key back in the box along with the instructions, placing it near the table and went to sit by the couch. I needed some air and maybe coffee to gulp down whatever I just had experienced. What is this mysterious parcel and why me? Does that mean someone thinks I am capable of change? But I do not even change my bed sheet every day due to all the burden from the office. I’ve not changed a bit since 17. My height is the same, around 5 feet 3 inches. My skin color had not changed as I did not have a tan, that’s because I am not an ocean person. My hairstyle the same, short black straight hair. What can I change when I have not changed? I can't do anything. Someone has been mistaken.

Looking outside, the sun was setting. I looked at all the beautiful colors of red, orange, yellow it emitted before going. It makemakes the world beautiful even when it’s leaving. Making the atmosphere calm and serene. That’s when this thought occurred to me. I am like sun, rising every day, doing the same thing and chores, repeating the same cycle but like every day, the sun is new and so am I. Some days someone is happy is to see me. I say things which make them feel home and comfortable. I am there when my friend needs me. I am there with the love of my life, holding hands but still feeling different every time he touches me, every time our fingers entwined. I do the same things yet different things every day. I am change. I can be the change.

I took the key in my hand and started to step into the world of change!
© Vaish