

Knock Knock Knock
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination? Hesitating, she closed the curtains and sat down on her bed. Trapped inside her four-cornered room, she closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

"This is just my imagination... is it not?" She assured herself before chuckling. "I mean, no one will be out there at this hour..." She nodded as if agreeing to herself and inhaled deeply.

But before she was able to let out the air, she began to hear knocks coming from the window. She sat there frozen, not knowing what to do. A chill ran up to her spine and her body started trembling.

"Who's there?" She asked, hoping that no one will answer. But nothing happened, not even another knock was made. Her mind is starting to go blank as she ran up several scenarios inside her mind on what may happen next.

But for the next few minutes, it was quiet. Too quiet. She scanned her surroundings despite the darkness that is engulfing her. Her mouth formed a smile and she started giggling.

"What am I even doing?" She said and scratched her left cheek with her left index finger. "I watch too many horror movies."

Breathing in and out, she decided to open the lights so she stood up and started walking towards the switch. As soon as she felt the switch, she pushed the button and the light started to chase out the darkness.

"See! Nothing is wrong." She said and nodded to herself again. "Now, time for bed."

Walking back towards her bed, her phone started ringing. It was placed on the table, near the window. The phone was ringing, not because of a phone call or a text message but because of an alarm which is labeled 'time to study'.

"Shoot! I totally forgot that we have an exam tomorrow." She exclaimed and started unpacking her bag. Books, notebooks, pens, pencils, notes, even some candy wraps was forced out of her bag. But something caught her attention. A red-colored envelope was thrown out when she got her notepad from her school bag.

She opened the red envelope and read through the letter.

'I'll be with you this night... I promise.'

Her eyes widened and her hands began to shake. She flipped the letter to see what is on it's back but there was nothing. Her mind is puzzled as to when she got this letter and who gave it to her.

A loud knock on the door made her jump from where she is standing. She made sure to herself that she will never open the door. Her hand covered her mouth to make sure she is silent. But the knocking started to be persistent and soon became pounding.

The pounding got louder and more insistent. "W-who is there?" She asked with her shaking voice but the pounding stopped in an instant.

"Who is there?" She asked once again and was responded by two knocks. "Why are you here?" She expected an answer, a knock to be exact, but the silence remained.

"Who is there?" She asked once again but there was no response. She quickly grabbed her phone and went near the window to see if the mist has started to clear out. To her surprise, it is already broad daylight outside. The street is now bustling with people walking from different directions.

"Bloody hell." She stated as she observed whatever is happening down the apartment.

A certain man caught her attention, he was wearing baggy clothes while holding a sign that says, 'Guess who's next?'.

As soon as she finished reading the sign, two cars crashed to each other, flattening a woman wearing a uniform between them.

She laughed from that sight. But she covered her face and held the laughter in. Her eyes started to get hot as she placed her palm on her cheeks.

The world stopped. Her vision began to blur and a warm liquid seeped on her cheeks. She felt her knees weaken and her teeth started gritting.

The pounding started once again, waking her senses up. Using all her energy and courage, she walked towards the door and reached out the knob. Before opening it she asked with her voice fading as she shut her eyes close.

"Who are you?"

Three sharp knocks answered her. And soon, it was quiet once again. But she kept the door closed. She made sure that the locks are still intact.

"Who are you?"

A voice responded to her question.

"Open the door."

"Who are you!?" She screamed letting out all her emotions. Her hands losing grip as her knees finally gave in.

"This is the police."