

Grey Ambience #3
There are three races of man.
Lamorok, Aperture, Human.

Aperture. (Second class)
A race of the humans that was believed to be cut of 440 years back. During the 32nd year of Holzah's reign.
The aperture claimed to have a superior sense of sight that was bestowed upon them by the great goddess of light, "Graye".
They saw themselves as superior. And their influence was taking over the empire.

The emperor, wanting to prevent the kingdom from being overtaken, scemed to wipe them and the Lamarok off.

The Apertures were the first on his list.

The dukes and lords of the Apertures were summoned before him. They had to show everyone what they could "see". And that of they couldn't, they'd be eradicated.

Graye had a relic. Anything it would touch would be bright and the normal human and Lamarok would see what the Apertures could "see". But for only a brief moment. For non-Apertures didn't deserve such an ability. Just as man doesn't deserve to fly, they shouldn't see what Apertures see.

The Emperor was overcome with greed. He wanted the relic and the heads of all the Apertures. Then he'll be have one race out of the way. Then the lamaroks will be next.

He'd posses an ability only the gods could grant.

He'd be powerful.

Cadoc walked outside. The sun on his face. The ground cold from the downpour. The tall trees and the breeze that swayed them gently. The green leaves were all over, covering the path.

The town was very different from what he thought it would be. It had been years since he saw towns. For he had been with his mother in the lonely house.

As he kept walking a group of boys were looking at him from a distance. They waved at him to come over. And Cadoc stopped in front of them.

They had similar simple clothes and features. Brown hairs and blue eyes. Cadoc was looking at triplets.

Hmm...haven't seen you around. (Looking at Cadoc shoes) Did you move here?

Err..yes. Do you live here?

Yes! We live over there (points at a small cottage along the path) I'm Bill. He's Thil and he's Phil.

I'm Cadoxton...sorry call me Cadoc. Nice to meet you. Haven't seen triplets ever...or even spoken to some. (Forces a smile)

Hahaha...yeah. So where do you live? Maybe we could see you next time.

Over there (points) It's not too far.
(The triplets look at each other with surprise and look back at Cadoc)
Err...what's wrong?

Oh...nothing. (fakes a laugh that doesn't work out) Have you seen her? The evil woman?

Evil woman? Is there a witch in the house or something?

Oh...no this is bad. Do you have...the curse too? (Cadoc stares back at them confused) You don't know Lady Jane? Mr. Amber's wife?

I think so. I just haven't seen her. Why do you call her an evil woman?

She's so scary. And weird. And...creepy. Everytime we come to see Ava, she screams at us and keeps us from getting inside. She hates children.

And teens and babies and unicorns and rainbows and...ice cream and everything nice. Even cakes!

Lady Jane. Who's Ava?

She's Amber's daughter. You probably haven't seen them because Ava is in art school. She'll be coming back tomorrow.

BILL!!! THIL!! (Cadoc is a little startled at his shout) She'll be coming back!!! The evil lady!!! She'll be coming with Ava!

Cadoc...(sighs) Be strong brother. For the evil lady is coming. Our deepest condolences.

Err...okay, thanks.
"Why are they acting so weird?(Confused)

Yeah...just be careful of her. So...we should play ice hockey one day.

Oh...I didn't know it snowed in the fall. Does it do here? (The three burst out laughing and Cadoc is more confused)

It's not winter yet...so we'll be skating...so it's like moving on ice. (Bill lays on the floor kicking his legs and still laughing)

"I think I should leave...they're really strange"
Err...I'm going to go okay. You're...a little...I don't know I'll see you. (He places his hands in his pockets and heads back home.)

See you Cadoc (waving, still laughing)
Next on Grey Ambience

"I'm...Ava. You're Cadoc right? I heard what happened. (Sorry) But...hope you enjoy your stay.
I take pictures of stuff. My camera's in the car trunk. I'll show you my pictures later."
Do you like it here? If we can do something to make you like here more interesting we will try. (Smiles)"

© Cadoc.