

Fugo cries in the school bathroom (jjba)
Short fic based off of my life

Sitting in class, Fugo felt his eyes begin to burn. He had so much to do, and from being out sick the past week, he’d fallen way behind. He had to do good. He had to. Essays, projects, everything. There was so much to do and he was running out of time. It was all too much. Tears began to fill his eyes and he quickly excused himself from the room, voice breaking.

He walked as fast as he could without running to the bathroom, not wanting to draw attention to himself. When he got there, he immediately turned away. Too many people. He looked around to make sure he wasn’t being watched and slipped into the teachers bathroom, locking the door and shutting off the lights. In the darkness, he hugged his knees on the floor and let it all out.

It hurt a lot to cry like this. He knew he could be heard and he was wasting his limited work time! These thoughts only made him cry harder. There was no winning. He couldn’t do all the work in time. It didn’t matter if he was here or not. He would have cried in class if he wasn’t here, and he still wouldn’t be able to do his work then anyways. It would have been even more humiliating than it already was. He was going to fail something. He was going to fail something and there was nothing he could do about it.

“No, no, no!” He picked himself up off the ground and flicked on the lights to wash his face. Looking at himself in the mirror and seeing his pathetic cry baby face all covered in water made him furious at himself. He struck the first thing he could see with a fist, sending a loud rumble to echo through the room. He surveyed the damage to his hand. His knuckles were red and sore and little zigzags of blood were beginning to form between his fingers, trickling through the tiny shapes in his skin.

“Fuck…What the hell am I doing? This is stupid. I gotta get to work…” he mumbled to himself, shaking his head before drying off his face and wiping the blood off his hands.