

Driving You Crazy (one-shot)
It was noon time, I came from a mall nearby but because I'm a freaking lazy ass woman, I chose to wait for a vehicle who's willing to give me a ride even though it only takes 50 steps before I got home.  That's how lazy I am!

I was just standing here in a waiting shed obviously waiting for what I want. 30 minutes have passed but still, no one dares to come and ask for a ride, how awful. Until someone talked when he stopped in my front.

"Want some ride?" he asked.

Wow, at first, I was amazed and mesmerized with this person, it looks like it's sorta impossible for him to be a motorcycle driver.

"Yeah, but no one ask me"

I heard him chuckled, it made him looked more handsome!

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity

"They won't ask you unless you ask them first by just a simple gesture or a simple call, they'll think you're not going to have a ride if you won't do such"

My jaw dropped out of surprise when he appealingly stated those line. Wow! although it embarrassed me, I flashed a smile while bowing my head a little not wanting him to see my face in embarrassment.

"Let's go! I'll give you a free ride"

My mood changes into something isn't usual, something I felt pretty romantic, who wouldn't fall for that!

The fact that it's embarrassing and he might think I would agree just because he's visually good, I hesitate if I decline or not.

Someone held my wrist when I'm still out of reality, I was shocked when his face shown up nearly on my face, Shit! He's really hot!

"Let's go, I'm afraid if someone might steal this moment" he stated. I smiled again

I stared at the people around, they are busy talking something from each other. I know what's the feeling of enviousness, I laughed because they keep on gossiping. Well, back off bitches!

When I got nearer on his motorcycle I thought he's going to hug me, unexpectedly, he wear something on me and hand me a familiar thing that made my forehead frowned...

WTH!? a fucking seatbelt and steering wheel! What am I gonna do with this stuffs?

I was going to ask him but he just laughed like he's out of his fucking mind. What The Hell is happening!?

"Have a joy ride my lady" he told me and held my hand to kissed and then he started the engine and escaped in a snap.

I was left dumbfounded, don't know what to do.

"Miss, that crazy man just now, is he your boyfriend?" Someone asked. I faced him immediately, I get curious with what he just said.


"Yes, he's a known person with special needs, he's literally crazy. I even thought he overwent his mental illness but he's actually just tripping on you"

I covered my face with my both palms due to embarrassment, for Pete's sake! I easily fall for good-looking guys but why it has to be from an insane one!? It's driving me crazy! Ugh!

© author_hugen