

struggle- A first step to success
while peeking into history,the are so many legends have given their huge contribution in changing the world.As we knew them by great philosophers,great fighters,and many more from whom we are inspired today.But is it like they got those titles by just in a few hours or in a few weeks? They gave their whole life,worked hard,faced problems,physically as well as psychologically,and they changed the world, as they were also just like us,means they were also human beings,then what made them extraordinary? surely their hope that today the struggle came in our life then tomorrow success would also knock their door.
facing the problems and difficulties in your life that contains a major part of experiences of your life.
just like if we need to give iron a good shape,we need to put it into pit of fire,not just that,it needs to face the smashes of hammer,and after suffering a lot,a iron takes shape, this is an good example for us,whenever problems arrives, try to fight with them as problems an difficulties comes in the way of person who knows well to handle it, the one who doesn't knows well they give up,the way is hard but the fruit is sweet,the person would get the fruit who would cross the path, no matter you're slow,just be steady,way would be covered one day.
© arsh