

The Fight Of Corona Virus

This is the story of Corona Virus Which Changed world .The virus was born on Chian,Wuhan City.This Deadlyest virus Infects more than 55,00,000 people in all over world .The Scientist found 6 types of Corona Virus Family in world and.Now New and 7th virus is The Covid -19 .The hole World trys to find medicine or vaccine to this virus.To treat people who infected,by.Corona Virus the doctors use .Hydroxychloroquine Malarial Druk,but World Health Organization said giving .This Druk kills people .The prevention of Corona Virus is to Social Distance,Hand wash and Face mask . The vaccine was successful on Monkeys .The Vaccine of Virus will ready at the month of June and to public use at september month.If we tried to cure Corona patient Quickly we,can try Sidha or Ayervatha Till we found vaccine for Corona Virus Sray-Home Stay-Safe.A public Interested by ARPAD Company.

Written by: K.B.Akhurathan Raaj

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