


A pandemic must evolve itself after 200 years to point out how we have lost our control over balancing the planet which sheltered us for millennia but is a pandemic the only way to introspect and figure out our grave losses?

What about villages round the globe couldn’t emerge out of their downtrodden plights and ever emerging urbans suddenly reach a halt. What about the super massive continents with billions of head meet a financial fiasco san a coordination due to a pandemic? How shall we be accountable to those who sanction millions for our state-of-the-art educational infrastructure and so-called humanitarian services like health and cheap telecommunications only to get themselves rewarded with hordes of billions?

Well none of the losses, loss of conscience, loss of humanity, loss of empathy, and loss of fraternity, were triggered by any viral pandemic. This pandemic has been an inevitable part of our lives since the time when Jesus, Lord Buddha, and Prophet Muhammad walking on this planet trying to preach us to refrain ourselves from practices which would one day invite pandemic.

What to do for pandemics which we are inviting by extracting human brain to think beyond the level giving it a phrase “helping human race to survive longer.” how far is that true? Today, at this hour of crisis, the most evolved country is at the highest level of risk.

Rather than waiting for next two centuries, it’s time to find the root cause of the Social Pandemic before any other viral pandemic wipes out humans.
----- Ami (14.5.2020)